23 . Maya's innocence and Sultan's trouble(16+)

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Maya's POV ~

A huge mouse that too in his lower ,
" How can you be so careless Sultan ...there's a huge mouse in your lower and here you are asking me to stay still...now you stay still and do not move otherwise , the mouse will bite you " i said tightening my hold on the mouse.

Surprisingly Sultan's breathe turned uneven and he tried to stand
" Beg..begum do not touch that " he said in a husky tone while his cheeks turned red .

" I am not scared of rats Sultan ...you do not worry I'll take it out and please stop moving...the mouse is jumping in here " i could feel the huge mouse jumping in my hand as i tightened my hold on it .

" Auhhh...Maya ... DON'T DO THAT "
He almost screamed as his head fell on the couch and his hand fisted on my duppata tightly.

" Sultan are you alright...?? " I tried to ask him and he inhaled another deep breathe
" NO ..I mean ...yes I am absolutely fine Begum .. please do not do that "
he spoke again this time holding my wrist tightly.

" But Sultan ...if I'll leave the mouse now after capturing it ... it will surely bite you " i said in a concerned tone and he inhaled a deep breathe palming his face .

" Ahumm..That's ...that's not a mouse Maya " he spoke biting his lower lip and i couldn't understand what he meant , it wasn't a mouse ? Than it ...

" oh god if it's not a mouse than ...is it a snake ..NOOOOO...don't move sultan let me help you " i don't understand why but he tapped his head with frustration and his lips parted as i tightened my hold on what so ever was the creature in his lower .

" Ohhh ... god...Begummm..." His voice almost came out as a painful whimper and his forehead was turning sweaty for no reason because the room had enough ventilation.

" Sultan...you are sweating..and your voice ...did the creature bite you ?? " He suddenly pushed my hand away turning me down on the couch .

" SHHH....quite begum ...quite " was he angry ?? ... because his tone was serious than usual and his hold on my hands was so tight that i can feel his fingerprints on my wrist .

And what horrified me the most was the creature in his lower because now it was free and I could feel it touching my stomach through his lower
" Su..Sultan ...what are you doing that mouse ..I mean snake would bite you like this " i tried to speak and his long fingers shushed me down .

" Shhh ..it'll not bite me Begum ...but if you will continue to touch it ...it'll surely bite you and I can't save you this time ...not after you've touched me .." He spoke in a husky voice against the front of my neck and I could feel something twisting in my lower abdomen.

" But why sultan ...and if it is not a mouse or snake than ...than what is it ?" I asked and he suddenly bite on my neck " Ahhuch ..." , his lips kissed on the place a little longer inhaling deeply.

" Begum just like you have some private body parts ...which are untouched and unseen ..I have mine too ...and trust me you're making it hard for me nowadays" he said in a single breathe and all i couldn't think was ...HE ALSO HAD PRIVATE PARTS LIKE MINE. .,

" oh so ...you too have private body parts like mine " i said and he made a face as he would cry right now .

" Aeeee...Begummm....we don't have the same body parts ...but we have different body parts which are ...are .." he tried to find the proper words maybe .

" aree ?? "

" Aremadeforeachother " he spoke hiding his face in the crook of my neck and i frowned thinking about what he actually said ...we have some private body parts ...which ..which are not same but made for eachother...

" but ..how sultan ??" I tried to ask him and he looked into my eyes with weird expressions.

" I don't know why Begum but I feel like killing your teacher right now ..." He said in a childish voice and i laughed at him .

"But how can you kill my teacher sultan..when i never had one ?? " I asked and he made a confused face sitting straight on the couch ,his hands pulled me making me sit on the couch .

" so ..your father never assigned a teacher for you ?? " He asked in a angry tone and i held his hand calming him down .

" No ...he used to say that i ..I am very precious to him and he didn't wanted anyone to see me ...that's why he never sent me to a gurukul and he never let anyone else in the Kingdom to teach me " i told him remembering how my father used to hide everything from me .

He hummed quitely " Hmm..but how did you learn politics and combat then ? "

" Uhmm...I was taught basic things in my childhood but later when my interest grew up in learning things i requested my father to ..to let rajguru teach me , at first he refused me and later he said if I'll keep my knowledge to myselves and never question his decisions than he would allow Rajguru to teach me ...and i ...i agreed to him ..that's how i learned politics " his eyes were burning with anger and i knew it was obvious for him to be angry , i was too naive to understand my father's actual intention back than but now it hurts a lot .

" Calm down sultan ...i know you're angry but trust me it wasn't your mistake...and i...I am fine now "
I said kissing his hand lightly.

He looked into my eyes and kissed on my forehead pulling me closer to himself .

But when he pulled me closer my hand accidentally touched the hardened thing in his lower and he almost jumped out of the couch
" Sultan is it paining ?? "

I asked him looking at the thing and he tried to hide it under his over coat
" uhumm.....stop looking at me like that or i swear ...you would not be able to walk for a week begum " he said in a dangerous voice before standing up from the couch .

" But Sultan ...?? " I tried to stop him and he quickly turned towards the bathing room ,
" I'll answer you later begum ...right now I need to deal with your mouse or it'll end up biting you somewhere you won't like... atleast not now "

~ Hope you guys like the new episode 💀do not forget to comment and vote for early updates

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