26. 69 Ways to open the knots

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( unedited)

Sultan's POV ~

I was lying on the opposite side of our bed waiting for her to lie down besides me as it was late for bed now but surprisingly she looked at me with a frown on her face standing against the bed .

" Is everything alright Begum ? " I asked and she chewed on her bottom lip nervously before showing her heena claded hands to me .

" Sultan my mehendi is still wet and " she paused for a while and I hummed  quietly settling against the bed rest .

She chewed on her lower lip and paused for a while.

" And ..I haven't changed my ..my clothes yet .. " she said lowering her head and I realised her attire was actually very uncomfortable for the night .

" Hmm - hmm , don't worry begum , i can help you with  the clothes.." i said standing up from the bed .

She looked a bit worried and I walked towards her .

" I can help you but only if you're comfortable with it begum  " i spoke in a assuring tone  because I could feel that she was a little hesitant about taking my help in changing her clothes .

She looked at me  and than at her mehendi before nodding her head lightly.

I walked towards the bundle of her clothes and went through all her clothes.

And to be honest there were no comfy clothes for the night as every attire had those small mirrors and heavy work  which might hurt her while sleeping and i surely don't want that .

" Begum, you should have carried some comfy clothes for the night as well  because all these clothes doesn't seem to be comfortable " i said before pulling out my own kurta .

" Sultan , you've been saying the same thing since we left and trust me they aren't as uncomfortable as you think " she said and i couldn't help but think of getting her some comfortable pair of clothes , specially for the night because her clothes were most probably the heavy long lenghas which are surely not comfortable for the  hot summer nights ,oh really stop making excuses you just want to see her in those light night dresses  ...

Smirking at my own thoughts i walked towards her and hugged her from behind, keeping my chin on her shoulder I whispered against her ear.

" Begum if you want me to stop saying this ,you need to get some comfy , shorter and maybe lighter clothes for the night ... "  i said in a teasing tone and she gasped a little feeling my hands on her bare waist .

" You are so mean Sultan " she said while hitting her head against my chest and i chuckled a little , Such a baby she is !

" So , shall we start ?"  I asked lightly kissing behind her ear and she shivered a little at my words .

" Ahann hnn ?? W-what ?"  She muttered in a timid voice and i smirked whispering against her neck

" Shall we start with changing your clothes Begum ? " ,she inhaled a deep and shaky breathe before nodding lightly.

I pulled her a little closer as she shivered against my touch , my left hand  slowly removed the duppata from her head and the right one raked  down to her waistband tugging the other end of the duppata out of it .

I could feel her heartbeat increasing with my touch on her waist and i couldn't stop myself from kissing the back of her head .

The duppata fell down on the floor as i pulled her even closer to myself making her gasp .

Fisting onto her long hair locks i pushed them on her shoulder as i kissed her bare back, Concentrate Amir .. Concentrate.

Her blouse had a zig zag pattern of strings so it took me a good time to understand it's pattern .

" Sultan .." she spoke in a low tone as i pulled her with a jerk against my chest in order to open the thick knot

" Hmm .." i hummed .

" I think the knot is a tight one , i don't think you could open it " she said looking at me through the side of her eyes .

Only if she knew these aren't the only knots which i am going to open .

" Don't worry begum , your husband knows 69 ways to open the tangled knots " i said in a husky and teasing tone , i know she had no idea about my  double meaning talks or my perverted head but ....why not .

" You're such a terrible lier sultan " she laughed a little , shaking her head like a baby .

And i smirked leaning against her back .

" Aauch ..Sultan " she gasped as I made a small bite on her bare back .

" I do not lie begum " i said before pulling the last string of her blouse with my teeth .

" Hawww..."suddenly she gasped as she  realised that her blouse had loosened a little and now her back was completely bare to me .

" Hmm - hmm, so where were we Begum ??" I muttered against her ear before turning her around .

Her cheeks were crimson red and her eyes looked into mine with an expression of shyness and amusement.

" If you're feeling shy , I can close my eyes Begum Jaan " i said as i could see her shoulders tensing with the feeling of been bare in front of me for the first time .

She raised her head .

You'll pay for the entire torture begum, i groaned internally as she bit on her lower lip sucking on it lightly.

" Umm..than how will you help me Sultan ? " She asked and I leaned a little forward to kiss her jaw before closing my eyes .

" I don't need to see you to help you begum , I know each and every curve of your body more than you know about yourselves  "

~ Extremely sorry for the late updates ,i had some really very important work to deal with .

Also the next update will be a little mature and longer .

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