Chapter 6

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Rey was nervous as she walked into the empty throne room. Will he hang me for how I spoke to him? Is he mad? Is he calling off the treaty and sending me home? She was secretly hoping for the last one. Fred was standing beside her.

"It'll be okay." Fred whispered to her.

"Thank you." Rey whispered back.

Ben was already there, meeting her gaze and Rey gulped. I am going to be hanged. I just know it. Rey thought to herself. Her heart was racing as he walked towards her. Ben then looked up toward Fred and Fred bowed his head.

"You're excused for now." Ben said to Fred.

Fred didn't say anything but nodded and left them alone. Now I am completely alone without protection. Thanks Fred.

"I owe you an apology." Ben said looking back at Rey.

"I'm sorry... a what?" Rey gasped a bit in shock. This was a surprise to her. Everyone knew how cold he was, and Rey was surprised by his sudden act of kindness that showed his humanity.

"I'm... sorry." Ben awkwardly said and looked down.

"For what?" Rey asked in a soft whisper.

"I was too harsh with you earlier," Ben answered looking back up. "I was just surprised but that is no excuse for how I treated you. I forgot my manners towards women." Ben said looking into her eyes.

"I understand, you are forgiven." Rey responded giving him a warm smile. Rey was still a bit surprised but decided to go along with it because she didn't know how long this would last.

"You're too kind."

"You apologized, that says a lot."

"Thank you." Ben said and nodded.

"You're welcome." Rey said smiling more at him. He actually thanked me. He really must be sorry.

"Anyways," Ben sighed. "I will be away for two days."

"May I ask why you must go? I thought you wanted us to get more comfortable with each other before we got--"

"I asked you to be here so you could get used to this kingdom before the wedding, it has nothing to do with us." Ben said interrupting her.

"Right," Rey sighed in defeat. "So, you leave tonight?"


"But why?"

"It has been brought to my attention that another country brought in a spy here and I need to go to have my men train for a possible war." Ben explained.

"I see," Rey mumbled and chewed on her cheek. Rey started to worry for Ben even though he was cold toward her and didn't seem to care for her anyway.

Ben then stared at her. He had noticed how shocked and scared her face looked. Ben was surprised at that reaction, but he couldn't tell if she worried for him or for her title as future queen. It was silent for a few moments, both staring into the other's eyes.

"But I will return as soon as I can, so please do not worry." Ben said breaking the silence.

"Are you sure?" Rey asked.

"I'll try." Ben answered.

"What should I do here while you are away?" Rey asked.

"All I need you to do is to make sure the kingdom is just taken care of. I will have servants and my advisor help you." Ben answered.

"I'll try my best." Rey said.

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