Chapter 11

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"Will there be a fight?" Rey asked looking at Ben as they walked around the castle.

"For now," Ben sighed. "No, but that may change."

"So, there is no sign of the spy?" Rey asked looking ahead.

"No, whoever they are, he is hiding very well." Ben responded.

"So... it could really be anyone here?"

"Yes, so I suggest you stay on guard."

"How so?" Rey asked.

"Keep your head down, this spy wants answers." Ben answered.

"Answers to what?" Rey asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Ways to make a sneak attack."

"Ways to defeat you and take over the kingdom." Rey mumbled taking everything in. She was scared of the idea of not being able to trust anyone in the kingdom.

"Exactly," Ben said and cracked a small smile. He was impressed by her and how quickly she understood what was happening. "I apologize for not giving you enough credit for your smart mind, forgive me." Ben wasn't mocking or being sarcastic. He actually meant what he said, and then Rey mirrored his smile.

"You're forgiven, your highness." Rey giggled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Before we get married in a few days... I want to get to know you more, really get to know you and not just because we have to." Ben said.

"Well," Rey sighed. "What do you want to know about me?" She asked as they continued to walk.

"Anything and everything, really." He chuckled.

"Hmm... where to start," Rey mumbled. "My favorite color is purple, what about you?"


"What else would you like to know?"

"What were your hobbies as a child?"

"Well, I have always loved music. I used to play music for my younger brother, Marcus and Mary, a maid who raised us when our parents were busy." Rey answered.

"What instruments or was there just one that you played?" Ben asked.

"There were a few," Rey answered. "I played the harp, lute, flute and the violin."

"You must have had a lot of free time." Ben chuckled.

"I did when I didn't help watch over Marcus." Rey answered. "Marcus loves to paint but he also loves archery."

"You miss him?"

"I know he will be here for the wedding but yes, I do." Rey answered with a nod. "He thinks he'll never see me again once I'm queen."

"I assure you; his worries are wrong. You can see him and the rest of your family whenever you'd like." Ben assured her.

"Do you mean it?" Rey asked and smiled brightly.


"Why are you being so kind to me-- I mean, I am enjoying this conversation but before, you said I was nothing to you. I was just a part of a deal... do you still mean that?" Rey asked. She wanted to believe him being nice to her was real but part of her didn't know what to trust. She didn't want to seem weak to him in any way.

"Before, when I said it...." Ben started to say. "I was wrong, you're not nothing to me. The more we've spoken, the more wrong I've felt. I know now you'll make an amazing queen. I know we are going to be husband and wife in a few days, but I'd like us to try being friends, real friends and not just some deal... Would you accept that?"

Rey stood there for a moment thinking about it and looked at him. She could tell he was being serious. "I'd like that." Rey finally answered.

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