Prologue: Keeper

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Many people are afraid of the deities above. The Watchers and the Listeners. 4 of the Captives here are partly taken, partly Turned. Martyn Littlewood, Grian, Pearlescent Moon, and Jimmy Solidarity. With Grian though, there was another spirit residing in his body. Xelqua, a Watcher who only wants to please his Elders. Lilacs brother. Lilac was currently in a vegetative state, where the Watchers and Listeners were preparing to turn her into a different deity altogether.

A Keeper of Secrets is meant to know all sorts of secrets, and can only tell those secrets to those who need to know them, deserve to know them, or explicitly ask for them. These were the goals. Xelqua rushed towards the capsule. Lilac was floating, unconsciousness making her look peaceful and beautiful. Her curly hair floated around her neck. Her scales dotted the few patches of uncovered skin. Black shimmering scales covered her lower arms like gloves. They also covered her cat-like calves, making it seem as if she was wearing knee-high socks. Feathers covered her torso, climbing up her neck, arms and legs. Her ears perched on top of her head, facing the side with feathers on the tip of the lynx ears. Wings protruded from her back, feathers swirling with colors from the night sky. Her twisted dragon horns were out of sight and her dragons tail curled around her lower paws. Xelqua stood there, watching his soon-to-be partner-in-crime. He shivered in anticipation. The process shall begin soon.

Lilac woke in an unfamiliar room. As she sat up, she started when she saw all-seeing purple eyes staring at her eagerly. She was in a soft white dress that came up to her knees. Lilac subconsciously tugged the fabric, wishing that it was lower. She wondered who the stranger was, and immediately got an answer from the depths of her mind. *Xelqua.* What? How? WHY? Lilac panicked and fluffed her wings. "Xelqua." Her voice rasped as if she hadn't spoken in weeks (She hadn't). The stranger(?) tilted his head. "How are you Lilac? With your access to secrets, you should be able to make me another body." He tilted his head at her. "You do know how to, right?" Xelqua's voice was sickly sweet, and the words offended Lilac. "Yes, I do know how to make you another body so Grian doesn't have to continue being your host body." Her words were sharp as a knife, and sparks exited her mouth at all of the s's. Her black snakes tongue flicked in and out of her mouth, hissing slightly. Xelqua noticed these premature signs of temper and annoyance and backed away slowly, as if Lilac was a wild beast. "How about you don't underestimate my capabilities next time." She said, reading the panic in his eyes. Xelqua nodded and left the room hurriedly. Lilac exhaled and watched smoke swirl around her head before dissipating.

Lilac stood. Whilst most people would have a tough time doing anything with legs like hers, she had perfect mastery over her limbs. Her heels were non-existent and her leg bent in 3-4 places. The reason as to why was that she had 2 separate knees, each a few inches apart, making he entire leg look as if it were a cats. She sheathed her claws to avoid drawing unwanted attention and used the new area in her mind that she recognized as the part that her Xelqua's name. *There are humans here. They are called the Captives. Follow your intuition to help them. Free the captured and help the Turned.* She started from that area in her brain. Those thoughts. They weren't hers. They sounded as if it came from a different being. *Help them.* Ok. It will probably answer her soon.

Lilac wandered down into the void, following the strange pull. *Don't get seen.* She hummed an acknowledgement to the being, knowing that it could hear her. Her wings rustled with the breeze she was creating. There! An obsidian-bedrock box, hovering in the middle of nowhere. She changed her flight route and expertly landed on a bedrock outcropping. *Silently* She changed her gait to comply with the Greater Beings orders. It did know more than her. As she stepped into the box, she was greeted with a horrifying sight.

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