The Games Begin

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_I wanted Lilac's feathers that aren't on her wings to be blue. Sorry for the inconsistency! Also, Lilac can change the color of her wings, making them swirl into Watcher and Listener colors when she uses the power. I will probably add an entire info page, but I will do that later._

It was strange. Isaac shouldn't be there. It was just supposed to be her. Lilac stared at the blonde across the way. "What happened to your Voice? Your beautiful Nightingale Voice?" Lilac sat down, ignoring the pain that blossomed and bloomed through her wings of night. "Not speaking for weeks can do that do a bird." She answered. "Where are they?" No explanation was required as to who Lilac was talking about. "I don't know. Mika has a new girlfriend though!" Lilac knew that. It was a secret after all. She shuffled by the cool obsidian, pointedly avoiding looking at her wings.

Isaac was worried to say the least. Lilac was sitting, defeated by the walls of her cage, whilst the others seemed to have more personal touches than just a box. There were cuts all over her scales and there was a lot of blood staining her feathers. All Isaac wanted to do was preen the grime out of her feathers and hear the familiar trills of her songs. He loved seeing her eyes glow that dark green. He knew that Lilac was happier when she sang. All the notes in songs seemed to cheer her up. "Lilac?". "Yes?" She rasped. It was painful, hearing her harmonious voice in that condition. "Can you sing for me? I -It just seems to cheer you up -So-so I thought-" Lilac interrupted him with a jumble of notes. "Which song?" "Something hopeful. I don't mind really." Isaac ignored the looks Etho was giving him. Lilac then started to sing.

The obsidian cage changed into this strange electrical stage. There were different audio controls that controlled the music and background instruments. Lilac used her purple magic to control the non-vocal sounds and started the song. Her fingers moved to the beat of the drums and her hand physically moved as if they were using the controls physically. Her wings extended and contracted and her eyes were closed. She ended the song with a bow. "Did it sound nice?" Lilac asked Isaac, hope in her eyes. Isaac smiled and looked at her. "Like it always is." Suddenly, the ground fell from underneath all the cages, and the world went black. 

When Lilac woke, she was standing on a circle made of bedrock and tuff. There was an enchanting table in the middle. She looked around. 17 others in the circle. And all were from the prison. It was a new game.

 It was a new game

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