We Love To Murder

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Lilac looked at the horizon, waiting for her teammates to wake up. The clock kept ticking, except every so often there was a voice telling her to kill. Players.

Lilac was slightly concerned for her mental health, and every time she looked into a water source, she was met with quite a sight.

Her eyes glowed red. Very red. Red as cherry juice. Red as blood.

Oh, how good it'll feel to have blood coating her hands.

Lilac shook her head. Why are all her thoughts going back to murder? Murder and blood, that's all that seem to be spinning in her brain. 

'Iris? I think I'm going crazy.' 

'No, it just seems to be something in the code. It says: 𝓐﹅﹅ ᯅ⋈ꕤ𓍼⋆ ꕤଘ ᯅ⋈⋆ഒǂ ﹅𓂅𓍼ᯅ, ꕤǂ ǂ⋆⊹ ﹅ഒ⌕⋆ ꉂഒ﹅﹅ ⌕⋆⋆﹅ 𓂅 ✧ꕤଘ𓍼ᯅ𓂅ଘᯅ ✦﹅ꕤꕤ⊹﹅ꮺ𓍼ᯅ, ﹆𓂅⌯ഒଘꗃ ᯅ⋈⋆﹆ ᯅǂ๑ ᯅꕤ ⌯ഒ﹅﹅ ᯅ⋈⋆ഒǂ ⌕ǂഒ⋆ଘ⊹𓍼.'

'All those on their last, or red life, will feel a constant bloodlust, making them try to kill their friends? That's odd.'

'You got that right. Be careful about Xelqua, I have a feeling he wants something from you, something you won't give.'

Lilac hummed.

Pearl came out of one of the wooden buildings, blinking sleep out of her eyes. "How's controlling the Red curse going?"

Curse. Curse. You're cursed, that's all you'll ever be! Nothing but a cursed half-breed. Just a cursed experiment. Experiment gone wrong.

No. I am not a curse. Lilac thought, keeping the painful memories at bay.

"Fine, just that most of my thoughts go back to blood and murder." Lilac replied. "You're doing better than most." Pearl replied.

Lilac smiled. She's worth something.

Isaac loves you.


She always has been worth something. Why are her thoughts like this?

What's going on?

Why does it feel like there are 2 souls inside of her?

"Moros?" Lilac mumbled, waiting for a reply to her silent question. Are you with me?


Not alone. Never alone.

Always with herself.

I'm going mad.


Always have been mad.

Can I kill someone today? Probably. Should I? No. Do I care? Also no.

Ok I'm killing someone today.

Pearl looked at me worriedly. "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes. You said all of that out loud."

I cackle. "I'm losing my mind. And I will try and stop this obnoxious ticking."

Pearl blinks at me "What ticking?" I look at her "You seriously can't hear this constant ticking? I think that's what's driving me up the wall right now."

"It's just you."

I blink. It can't just be me. Right? I'm not alone.

Is this how Isaac feels?

Forgetting as soon as this. Everything slipping through his fingers like sand?

I need to write down my wish.

Don't be the selfish little brat that everyone hates. Give everything up for the captives. Use your wish to give them their memories back.

I feel my limbs moving without my control. I look at my arms. Red strings, flapping them around.

I feel the rough surface of cloth on my arms. Little pinpricks of pain are where there are now stitches.

My mouth sews shut.

One of my eyes turns into a button.


I don't respond.

I am a puppet. I do what the strings say.

I am lost in my own body.



Like a Nightingale.

I watch as my hands pick up a sword.

I watch as the Sky Trio walks towards the Redstoners base.

I smile, without my consent.

I'm not the one pulling the strings anymore.

When I turn, I see Xanthus watching us from the trees. And she's holding the strings.

She is the one that caged me.

"⊣𝙹𝙹↸ ꖎ⚍ᓵꖌ ̇/╎∷ᔑ ̇/⚍ᓭ."

Good luck, my life.

I will show the Watchers that mere strings cannot cage me.

Magic ones will just take longer to break.

EthosLab was slain by TheDragonLynxi

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