Chapter 1: Captives

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Lilac stepped into the strange box and was greeted with a horrifying sight. Hybrids and humans alike were in 3x3 cages. There was a Blazeborn, 2 Avians- one Canary, one Macaw- a half Mothling half Elf, 2 Elves, a Vex, and an Axolotl. All of their names entered her head. She went to the Macaw, who was the Host for Xelqua. "Grian, I'm sorry. So, so sorry." She told the prisoner. None of them deserved to be imprisoned for the elders entertainment. She tapped into the magic that the Greater Being offered her and summoned a screen and keyboard to mess with the code keeping the hybrids prisoner, or, if that was going to take days, make the prison more comfortable for them. She sat down and the vex-Scar, told her "Don't feel SORRY for Grian, he's the one that trapped us in here." Grian winced. Lilac calmly replied, "Actually Scar, you are incorrect. Same with you, Pearl and Scott. Grian is the unlucky soul who has to host the idiot Xelqua. Xelqua is something similar to my brother, yet if I could, I would kill him in a heartbeat. Now, if you would excuse me, I will start making firewalls and turning these cages into a more comfortable environment for you all." "Wait, who are you?" The Mothling/Elf - Pearl asked. The Keeper of Secrets turned her head, eyes glowing a shade of purple, "Call me Lilac." before starting to break the firewalls keeping the cages indestructible.

It took a lot of work, as the firewalls had been placed by the Elders and not Xelqua, but eventually the cages morphed into an environment that suited each person. She had had to ask for help from the singular human there, Mumbo. Mumbo Jumbo, to be precise. His name might mean nonsense, but he is probably the smartest person there, excluding Lilac. After making the adjustments for each persons needs, she laid her head on the glass and let her eyes fall and succumbing to darkness.

Scott was confused, to say the least. A Watcher/Listener came up to the cages and then worked for 20 hours straight to make the cages more habitable and humane. And they also knew Scar, Grain, Pearl, Mumbo, and himself. He watched them close the screen and blink away the keyboard before they nodded off. Scott was still puzzling over the mysterious stranger as he walked inside a building that looked as if he made it. Stripped spruce logs, stripped birch logs and mangrove planks as flooring. He wandered around the cottage and wondered how everything there was suited to his style. It was situated on a mountain, and there was soft snow by his feet. It was very welcoming and homely. He wandered over to his bed, admiring the little details. He looked at the bed. Cyan sheets. As he fell asleep, his last thought was, 'They really do know what they are doing.'

Lilac woke in a box. A 3x3 cage. Her wings were sore. She crawled to the back corner to observe what was happening. <Hello? Are you there? I'd like it if you could tell me what is going on.> She thought, hoping to get the beings attention. *You were caught. And I am always here, in your headspace. You and I we are one and the same. But I cannot control the actions you take. You craft your own path, and I guide you along it.* "I don't like the sound of that." Lilac mumbled in reply. Raising her voice she asked, "Hello?" pitch raising at the end of the word, which made it sound hopeful. Yikes. Her eyes slitted as the blue Axolotl-Lizzie, replied, "Yes? Where are you Lilac?" Lilac knew Lizzie was looking around for her. "Well... I don't think They like me anymore." "Why?" Lizzie's voice was harmonic, as if it were a flute. "Umm... I'm in a cage. Just a normal cage. Nothing fancy like yours." "WAIT! The Watcher/Listener is in a cage????? Like US??????" The Canary squawks. "Yessss...." Lilacs voice degenerates from a rasp to hissing. Sparks shoot out of her mouth and smoke swirls around on the bedrock ceiling. "Lilac?" Scar asks, staring at the furious mess she had become. The only answer he gets is a low growl before Lilac charges at the glass keeping her in the cage. It shatters as if it was nothing. Pain explodes in her feet and arms as blood drips down to the floor. Scar looks at her shocked as she falls to the floor.

Grian uses the keyboard and screen to open the glass. He shakily stands up to help Lilac, who looks like they've been through a blender. He stoops down to pick her up bridal style when he catches Scars death glare. Grian steps back and summons his hardware and removes Scars glass as well. Ren hisses to them, telling the two Captives to return to their respective cages. "Quick! They are coming back!". Upon hearing this warning, Grian picks Lilac up into bridal carry and places her in a hollow within Scars cage. He rushes out into his treehouse and seals the glass boundries of the 2 cages close. Then he hears footsteps heading towards his prison.

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