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Y/N placed her food on the ground, just parallel to where the dog was, but further away from her just incase the dog had a change of mind. Y/N's face dropped as she realised she wouldn't be able to eat tonight, because all her food was going to be given to the dog, but if it meant helping the dog, she would gladly do it without thinking twice. 

"Here, there's food, you must be starving, come get it," she whispered, crouching down, getting to its level, to let the dog know she wasn't going to hurt it. "I'm not going to hurt you, so you can go get the food," she said speaking quietly to the dog. She didn't want to scare the dog with any sudden movements, so she carefully crouched closer to the dog, not taking her eyes off its gold ones.

"You don't want the food?" she asked the dog, getting closer to it. The dog immediatly growled, sticking it's bushy tail up in the air, displaying its confidence. "Woah there, I'm not going to hurt you," she said, backing up, trying to ease the tension between her and the dog. The dog's growling face turned back into a neutral face, making it hard for Y/N to read what the dog was feeling. "Can I come closer?" she asked the dog, staying still. The dog looked down at its paws and looked back at her, its tail slowly wagging. 

Y/N smiled, walking slowly towards the dog, putting her hand out for the dog to sniff. The dog kept eye contact with her, not before sniffing and licking her hands. Y/N felt at ease now, before slowly extending her hand, to pet the dog. The dog obliged and brought its head towards her hand, letting her pet it. "Well that wasn't so bad now was it?" Y/N whispered, stilling petting the dog.

Y/N carefully stood up, taking the keys out of her pocket, and unlocking her front door. "Come in," she said, smiling at the dog. The dog immediately got up and slowly limped inside her house, before settling in a corner and curling up into a ball. Y/N smiled, but the smile soon dropped as she had a weird feeling about this 'dog.' It hadn't looked like any dog she'd seen before, so what was this animal? 

Y/N gasped, causing the dog to wake up and look at her. "Sorry," she said, turning to get the food she placed outside. 'Was that a wolf?' she thought to herself as she was picking up the untouched, but now cold food. She closed the door behind her, and picked up her phone to call a vet. 

"Hello, yeah this is L/N Y/N, I'm looking for a home Vet. Mhm, yeah, I found this dog outside my house, and he's injured, so I need the Vet to look at it. 10 minutes? Alright, all good, thanks," she said, hanging up the phone after the brief conversation with the vet receptionist. "You're going to be all okay," she smiled at the 'dog' in front of her.

Ring ring! Y/N quickly got up from the sofa, startling the 'dog,' causing it to jump and growl at her. "Sorry boy," she mumbled, before jogging up to the door. "L/N Y/N?" the vet asked, looking at her. "Yes, that's me. Follow me, he's right over here," Y/N spoke, letting the taller male in, closing the door behind her. 

"Hello..." the vet spoke, looking back at Y/N. Y/N looked back at the vet confused, before saying, "Uh, he's a boy, and I don't have a name for him." The Vet nodded before introducing himself, "My name's Choi Yeonjun, so call me for more consultations if needed with him." Y/N nodded, looking back at her newly found 'dog.'

"Are you sure this is a dog? By the looks of it, he looks like a Canis Lupus," Yeonjun stated, taking the dog's form in. "Canis Lupus...? Oh you mean, grey wolf?" Y/N asked, looking at Yeonjun confused. "Yeah, did you know he was a wolf?" he asked, looking at Y/N, raising one eyebrow up. "I had my suspicions, but you confirmed my thoughts," she replied.

"Now what's wrong with him?" she asked, directing her gaze back to the sleeping wolf. "I will need to get closer to him, so can you wake him up as I think he's more comfortable with you than me," Yeonjun stated. Y/N nodded, walking towards the wolf slowly. "Hey boy, can you let this nice man examine you?" she spoke, her voice low. The wolf quickly opened its eyes and lifted its head, looking at the unknown male in front of it. Growling the wolf, stood up, lifting its tail above its head, keeping it in that position.

"Woah there boy, I'm not going to hurt you, I just need to examine your wounds," Yeonjun whispered, crouching down to show the wolf he meant no harm. The wolf didn't budge, still growling at the vet, now progressing from a growl to an aggressive snarl. 

"Alright, I guess he doesn't want me to come any closer. But by the looks of it, they're just flesh wounds, nothing serious, so I'll prescribe some antibiotics for him, but that'll be all," Yeonjun stated, looking at Y/N. "Oh alright, thanks doc," she said, bowing to him. "No problem. If you're still confused with anything, feel free to call me," Yeonjun said, smiling at Y/N. This caused the wolf to get angrier, as the wolf immediately stood up and walked in front of Y/N, causing both the humans to get a good look at just how big this wolf was. 

Y/N being 167cm tall the wolf was almost half her height. Y/N gulped, looking at the vet. "I'll take my leave now. Bye Y/N. Bye boy," Yeonjun said, bowing in respect, before leaving the house. "Well there was no need for that now was there?" Y/N whispered, petting the wolf to calm him down. 

"Oh! I almost forgot! What should I name you...?" Y/N asked, looking at the grey wolf. The wolf sat down, looking deep into her eyes. "This decision could make or break your life boy, so I want you to whine if you don't like the name, and I want you to bark if you do like the name. I know that you're pretty smart boy," Y/N spoke, talking to the wolf as if it would understand her. 

"So first, how about Teddy," she asked, looking at the wolf. The wolf whined. "How about, Jack?" The wolf whined once more. "How about...Rex?" The wolf laid down, covering his face with his paws, whining louder. "Okay! Okay! Fine then, how about, Chan?" she asked, staring at the wolf. No sound came out of the wolf for a few seconds. It looked like the wolf was debating on whether he liked the name or not. 

Bark, Bark, Bark. 

Y/N smiled. "Okay, so I guess your name is now Chan."

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