
568 28 19

Author's note: My school has resumed, and I might be a little slow with updating, so there are two chapters this week to make up for my lateness. :D 


This chapter is also a little sad if you like Yeonjun. :(

"What the fuck do you mean?" Beomgyu spoke, grabbing Wonsik by the collar, "That's not legal."

"Do you think Joowon ever does legal things?" Wonsik retorted, his teeth bared.

"Well, how's he just going to kill Yeonjun?" Y/N asked, gently pulling Beomgyu away.

"Joowon's bribed basically every policeman in town. They'll open Yeonjun's jail cell and let him run, then they'll sound the alarms and chase after him," Wonsik explained, "they'll then shoot him, saying he had a weapon."

"Shoot him?" Kai scoffed, his eyebrows furrowed in anger and frustration.

"When do they plan on letting Yeonjun escape?" Y/N asked.

Wonsik pursed his lips, causing Y/N to sigh once again. The Siamese meowed again, its claw slightly breaking Wonsik's skin, trying to cut into his Achilles tendon. Wonsik groaned, muttering curse words as he sighed in annoyance.

"Today. We're here to frame you so that Yeonjun escapes today and you guys get arrested," Wonsik grumbled, trying to kick the Siamese, but was stopped as the British Shorthair clawed his arm. "Get these fucking cats off of me."

"Today when? Be more specific," Y/N said, rolling her eyes, "and no, the cats are going to stay."

Wonsik gritted his teeth as he hissed, "They'll call us-"

He was interrupted by the static sound of his walkie-talkie. "Delta One, have you finished?" a gruff voice spoke on the other line.

Y/N grabbed the walkie-talkie and placed it near Wonsik's mouth. "Say yes," she instructed, "and don't try anything." 

Wonsik gulped as he opened his mouth to speak, "Yes. We have finished. You can let Yeonjun out now."

"I assume it happened smoothly," the voice said, staying silent, "you didn't run into any trouble, did you?"

Wonsik looked up at Y/N and the hybrids in worry, "No. No, we're leaving right now."

"Alright. See you at base," the voice said.

"Bye," Wonsik spoke, looking at Y/N as she lowered the walkie-talkie.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Y/N asked, a slight smirk on her face.

Wonsik refrained from trying to roll his eyes as he spoke, "Yeonjun's going to die and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

"He won't die," Y/N mumbled, grabbing his gun from the holster, "but you will."

She aimed the gun at his head, the barrel touching his sweating forehead. "Hey, hey, I told you everything," Wonsik panted, his forehead dripping with sweat. 

"Lady, let us go," one of the men spoke, trying to bargain with her.

Y/N chuckled, bringing the gun down. "Aw honey, I'm not going to be the one to kill you," she smiled, looking at the gun, "Joowon is."

The four men's faces instantly dropped as they heard his name. "N-no," Wonsik mumbled, "don't... don't do that to us."

"You're kind; you're not a killer," one of the men spoke.

"I am kind. That's why I'm letting you go," she grinned, grabbing the knife Jeongin handed over to her. She cut the rope holding them, backing away with a small smirk on her face. "I suggest you all run. Keep running and never look back. I'm sure Joowon's going to hunt you down. Good luck," she smiled, opening the garage door, causing them to run out almost instantly.

"Well damn," Minho smirked, "you were..."

"Sexy," Jeongin whispered, causing everyone to turn their head to him. Jeongin's eyes widened as he looked down, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks. Seungmin chuckled, "He's right, though."

Y/N grinned at the compliment, "Just giving them what they deserve."

"And that was really badass," Jisung added, a small smile on his face.

"W-we should probably go to Yeonjun," Taehyun mumbled, coming out from behind a cupboard with Soobin.

"Right," Y/N sighed, "do you guys want us to come with?"

"No, you guys have done a lot for us," Soobin spoke, "I'm sure we can handle a little rescue."

"You sure? You guys almost got euthanised for trying to do that once," Changbin spoke, a slight frown on his face.

"That was when he was still inside the jail cell," Beomgyu reasoned, "this time he'll be out and about."

Kai nodded, "All we gotta do is use our great sense of smell and drag him out of there before... you know."

"Alright. Good luck, guys," Y/N smiled, hugging the four hybrids.

"Thanks," Soobin smiled, "you guys stay safe, alright?"

A chorus of "yes" and "yups" were heard from the rest of the order. The group smiled, waving goodbye to the four hybrids, watching them as they disappeared into the night. "Well, at least Yeonjun's going to be back," Felix smiled, "and our plan with Jungkook is still working."

"Don't jinx it," Hyunjin hissed, slapping Felix on the shoulder.

"Hey, I think we might have a chance at winning," Chan added, chuckling lightly.

"What did I just say?" Hyunjin groaned.

"Oh shut up," Chan laughed, "what's wrong with a little optimism?"

"That's what I always say," Felix grinned, his hand on Chan's shoulder.

Ring. Ring.

"Who's-" Seungmin started but stopped as he read the caller I.D on Y/N's phone, "It's Yeonjun..."

Y/N furrowed her brows, answering the call, "Yeonjun?"

"Y/N? Thank God," Yeonjun sighed in relief, the crunching of grass being heard in the background, "listen, I just escaped, but I think something's wrong. It was almost too easy-"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Holy Shit," Yeonjun yelled, his breaths becoming faster, "They're shooting at me."

Y/N gasped, "Yeonjun, you gotta hide somewhere. Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai are on their way to you, just... stay safe until they get there."

"Okay... but why are they shooting at me?! Why the fuck are they shooting at me?!" Yeonjun asked in concern as he panted even more.

"It's some stupid plan your father made," Y/N explained, "just...run and don't look back, okay? And stay on the phone with me."

Yeonjun huffed, the gunshots in the background increasing, "Y/N, I'm scared. What if I die? I just wanted to tell you, your hybrids and my hybrids that-"


A yelp. 


More screams. 



Y/N's heart dropped as she turned to look at the hybrids whose faces had anxiety written all over them. She gulped, "Yeonjun...?"

A heavy, yet shaky breath was heard from the other line, "I... got shot."

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