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Chan grit his teeth, "No, no this can't be happening! It's been 3 days, and in the span of those 3 days, 3 separate hybrids have decided to make a home out of our  house!" 

Chan ran his veiny hands through his hair, sighing in frustration. "I was also just starting to get used to Minho!" 

Y/N looked down. "I understand that this may be overwhelming Chan, but we couldn't just leave them all outside, left to fend for themselves! The world is a dangerous place Chan. You already have first hand experience with how dangerous it is!" Y/N stated, cupping Chan's face in her hands, trying to calm hom down.

Chan licked his lips, and directed his gaze into Y/N eyes. Her eyes always calmed Chan down, no matter the situation. Chan looked away and brought his eyes to the 3 hybrids staring at the scene with mixed expressions.

Minho seemed angry, his brows furrowed and his eyes were pratically red. Jeongin looked down, his face seemingly had a hint of sadness as he realised that was what Chan had thought of him and the other 2 hybrids. The newcomer, Hyunjin seemed scared, his eyes welling up with tears and his hands shaking uncontrollably.

Chan sighed. He couldn't just throw them all away. Y/N was right. The world was certainly a dangerous place, and he knew that the 3 hybrids would not survive alone. "Alright. I'm sorry," Chan simply whispered, hugging Y/N.

Y/N was shocked. Chan was never one to give in immediately. Though she hated to admit it, Chan certainly was stubborn. Y/N hugged Chan back, gently stroking his hair to calm him down.

Chan let go of Y/N and turned to look at the 3 hybrids. "You can all stay, this is your new home," he said, turning around to walk upstairs. Y/N looked at Chan walking upstairs, letting him go as she knew that he needed some time to calm himself down and understand the current situation.

Y/N walked towards Hyunjin. "Please, please! Don't make me go back outside! Please" Hyunjin wailed, gripping onto Y/N's legs as he fell down onto the floor. Jeongin immediately rushed towards Hyunjin, helping him up. "Hey it's okay! We're not going to leave you, you're part of the family now," Y/N said, helping Hyunjin up.

She looked at Hyunjin's teary eyes, her own eyes welling up too. She had never been one to cry when others had cried, in fact, if she had seen someone cry, she would just ignore them and walk away. She didn't know why, but it pained her to see Hyunjin crying.

"Hyunjin, go to the room with Jeongin and Minho. Chan will come back down soon and we all will have a conversation, alright?" she stated, bringing Hyunjin to an empty room along with Jeongin and Minho.

Just as she was about to walk upstairs, she was stopped by Minho gripping her wrist. Y/N looked at Minho, waiting for him to say something. "I don't think it's fair that Chan seems to think you're only his. You are also ours, Y/N. This house is too," Minho said, pulling Y/N closer to him.

He brought his lips closer to her neck, "Can I mark you?" Y/N gulped. She had never been this  close to Minho before. For some reason, he looked even better close up. "Yes," was all she said, before Minho brought his lips onto her neck, slowly leaving kisses up to her collarbone. 

Y/N held onto his shoulder for support. Minho's kisses were rough, but passionate, making Y/N feel the same way that one night with Chan. Minho kissed her jaw, before making his way up to her cheek. "Minho?" she said, confused because of why he was dangerously close to her lips. 

Minho stopped in his tracks before walking back. "Sorry, I got a little bit carried away," he said, letting her go out of his arms. Y/N blushed, her whole body shivering with what he said. "Oh, uh, yeah, no problem," she stuttered, each and every word coming out nervously. Minho smirked and turned away to enter the room Jeongin and Hyunjin were in. 

Y/N slapped herself to get all those thoughts out of her head. She walked upstairs, still feeling giddy from what just happened. Y/N knocked on the door and entered her bedroom to see a crying Chan. 

Y/N's eyes widened. Never in her time with Chan had she seen him cry. "Hey, what's wrong?" she said, hurrying to his side to console him. "I let my pack down Y/N. I let you down. You should've seen the way they all looked at me." he whispered, still sniffling from crying.

"No, you didn't let any of us down, Chan. They want to have a meeting with you before coming to make a decision. This is how important you are to all of us Channie," she said, referring to his nickname, while stroking his hair, helping him calm down. 

Chan looked at Y/N with his glossy eyes. "Really? They still want me to come after what I said?" Y/N nodded, holding his hands. "Come on Chan. Wipe your tears and let's go," she whispered, wiping his tears for him. 

Chan nodded, getting up, before looking at Y/N. "Did Minho mark you?" he asked. Y/N nodded, "I let him because he is basically part of our pack now." To her surprise, Chan didn't say anything and smiled at her, before grabbing her hand and walking downstairs. 

'Everything is going well,'  Y/N thought to herself, smiling.

Chan and Y/N both entered the door, hand in hand, and looked at the 3 hybrids. "So, I think we should start by letting Hyunjin pick his room," Chan said, walking towards Hyunjin. The red haired boy's eyes lit up, his smile reappearing. 

"Do you have a particular person you want to share a room with, or do you want a room all to yourself?" Chan asked with a smile on his face. Hyunjin nodded. "I want to share a room with Y/N!" he said, rushing towards her side. Y/N laughed, a light blush creeping on her face.

"I'm afraid Chan's already taken that spot," she said, pouting her lips. Hyunjin pouted his lips in response, "Then how about with Jeongin?" Jeongin's eyes widened, his head quickly turning to what Hyunjin said.

"Me? Why me?" Jeongin grumbled. "Because you helped me feel better. I think we'll make really good friends," Hyunjin blatantly replied, causing the other 3 to laugh. "Oh okay then," Jeongin said, grabbing Hyunjin's arm.

"Follow me to our room," Jeongin said walking towards his room. The other 3 laughed and looked at the 2 males.

"Oh I forgot to tell you! Tomorrow I'm going to Yeonjun's place," Y/N said, looking at the remaining 2 hybrids. "Yeonjun, huh?" Minho said, looking at her suspiciously. Chan just rolled his eyes.

"What's going on between you guys?" Chan asked, lifting his right eyebrow, while crossing his arms. 

"Nothing's going on. I just needed to get some medicine from him. He isn't working tomorrow, so I need to go over to his house," Y/N replied, laughing at the hybrids' jealousy. Minho and Chan sighed simultaneously, before nodding.

"Wow, well I guess that would mean I can date Yeonjun then!"

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