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Jeongin sighed, turning his head sideways to look at his packed suitcase. "Yeah, I got evicted because I didn't pay my rent on time." Jeongin licked his lips, looking down, embarrassed of what he had just said. Y/N smiled sweetly, "Hey, it's alright, we're all going through something right?"

Jeongin looked at Y/N. Her reassuring eyes took all of his stress and sadness away, even if he had just looked at her for a second. Jeongin had never felt this way before, and he was extremely confused about these new emerging feelings. 

"Wait, what? We're letting a 2nd stranger live with us?" an annoyed Chan said, interrupting Jeongin's train of thought. Jeongin sighed, "Look I understand if you don't want me to live here, as you're already...occupied." Y/N lifted her right eyebrow. "No, you're going to live with me and that's final Jeongin. I know you'd do the same for me."

Jeongin's smile was brought back by her true words. Everything about her just made him get butterflies in his stomach. When he had heard her speak, or seen her from afar, his heart would just jump, and his breathing would get faster. "What are you waiting for? Come on in Jeongin, I'll help you with your bags," her sweet voice rang through his mind, as he nodded his head, entering her house.

Jeongin looked around her house, taking in its beautifully placed furniture and the structure of the house. While examining the house, his eyes were drawn to an unknown blonde haired man. The man looked like he had finished crying, his eyes red and his face puffy. As if reading his mind, Y/N spoke up, "Oh that's Lee Minho, he's also going to be staying with us." Jeongin looked at Chan, noticing him visually tense up and groan, walking upstairs.

"I take it that Chan isn't really happy with Minho and I being here?" Jeongin asked, tilting his head. Y/N ignored his question, trying not to start another fight. She quickly changed the subject by asking what they all wanted for food. No one really knew what they felt like eating, so she had just chosen to make some instant ramen.

Y/N walked into the kitchen, opening 4 ramen packets and emptying them into a large bowl filled with boiling water. She just stared at the water and noodles boiling, thinking about Chan's unusual behaviour. What was wrong with him, and why was he suddenly so protective about her? Her thoughts were interrupted by a very happy Jeongin backhugging her. "What are you doing Innie?" she asked, turning off the stove, and placing the ramen into 4 different bowls. 

"I just wanted to thank my best friend for letting me stay with her," he said, placing his head on her shoulder. Y/N's breath got caught in her throat. Jeongin's breath was hitting her neck, and a light blush crept onto her face. Lightly pushing Jeongin away, she grabbed the bowls of food and placed them on the dining table.

"Food's ready!" she yelled, grabbing a bowl and sitting on the sofa, putting her favourite show on. Minho grabbed a bowl and came to sit next to her. "I'm really sorry about what happened before" he apologised, slowly placing his head on her shoulder. "I already told you that it wasn't your fault Minho. It's all good. And also, I think that those 3 assholes had it coming" she whispered, leaning her head onto his head. Minho snickered, before eating his ramen.

Chan walked down the stairs and grumbled a few swear words, before taking his bowl of ramen and walking back upstairs. Y/N sighed. She was definitely going to talk to him when she went up to sleep. Jeongin walked next to Y/N and took a seat next to her, also leaning his head on her shoulder. Now Y/N was in between both the boys, and her shoulder were starting to hurt. 

"Hey, I'm going to go sleep now alright. Feel free to choose any of the rooms." she whispered, carefully getting up from her spot. She was stopped by Minho grabbing her left hand and Jeongin grabbing her right hand. She turned to look at both of them, about to say something when they both looked at each other and hurriedly let go of her.

She sighed, she wasn't going to say anything because the only thing on her mind was to ask Chan about what he was so angry at. She walked upstairs and entered her room to see Chan facing the wall and sleeping. Y/N's face softened at the sight in front of her.

"Chan?" she mumbled, lightly tapping the sleeping boy's shoulder. Chan woke up and turned to face her, still laying down on the bed. "What?" he asked, still being half-asleep. "Why were you so angry today?" she said, laying down next to him, placing her head on his shoulder. Chan sighed, "It's because you seemed to easily trust Minho and let him stay with us. You also let Jeongin stay with us. Do you have any idea about how dangerous it is to live with 3 hybrids?"

Y/N furrowed her brows together. "What do you mean 3 hybrids?" she asked, confused about what the black haired boy was saying. "Oh, I guess you didn't know. Jeongin's a hybrid," Chan said, looking at Y/N. He stared at her face, trying to read what she was feeling. Surprisingly, her face stayed the same. "I figured," was all she said, before hugging Chan even tighter than before.

"Y/N, I just..." Chan started, his voice trailing off. Y/N looked at Chan, telling him to continue. "I just want you to know that you're mine and if I were to let them into the pack, you would still love me more than them," he whispered, burying his head into the crook of her neck. A light blush crept onto her face, "I will always love you Chan. You were my first..." 

Chan looked at her and smiled. He gently tilted her head to look the opposite way, and placed light kisses against her jawline, slowly trailing down to her neck. Y/N bit her lips, trying to supress a light moan. She knew what he was doing wasn't anything sexual  but she couldn't help but feel tingly all around her body. "Chan..." she whispered, trying hard not to make it weird. Chan mumbled, still gently kissing her neck, going lower to her shoulder blades. 

"Chan, I'm going to sleep now," she said, covering her mouth and shutting her eyes closed, trying not to make a sound. "Okay," he said, leaving one last kiss against her neck. 

He kept his head buried in the crook of her neck and whispered one last thing before going to sleep, "I will always love you." By that time Y/N was already fast asleep.

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