9 | i balance them out with my bitchiness

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S1 E3

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S1 E3

winning the battle, losing the war

"WHA-"MADDISON LOOKS SHOCKED. She burst out laughing, as Meredith looks at her weird. "Me and Derek, no way!"

"What?" Meredith asks the laughing girl. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because he's like a brother to me." Maddison tells her.

"What?" Meredith asks.

"I grew up with him." Maddison explains. "In New York. His family took me and my brother in when our parents used to leave us alone."

"Wow." Meredith lets out. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"What was I supposed to say?" Maddison asks, as they walk towards the house. "Hey Mer, how are you this morning? Oh, and remember the attending who you slept with? Yeah, he used to have fake tea parties with me."

Meredith laughs.

"What?" She asks.

"Oh, yeah." Maddison nods, laughing too. "Him and Mark were forced to have face tea in pink tea cups."

"Oh, my god, I cannot believe that." Meredith chuckles, opening the front door, and letting Maddison walk in first."

"Oh, trust me. They used to be forced to do much more humiliating stuff than that-" Maddison trails off, as they hear Izzie's voice from the living room.

"Ooh, this one is skin grafting!" She says, holding a tape.

"Skin grafting? No way! I've never seen that done before." George marvels.

"Are those my mother's surgical tapes?" Meredith asks.

"We should watch the skin grafting one first." George replies.

"Where did all this stuff come from?" Meredith asks.

"Oh, I unpacked some of your mother's things. I was upset, and when I'm upset I like to nest." Izzie tells her.

Meredith looks around at all the the pictures of her and her family and starts grabbing them.

"Ooh! Hemipelvectomy." Izzie speaks up.

"I think we should watch this one first." George tells her.

"No. No. We're not watching my mother's surgery tapes, we're not unpacking boxes, and we're not having long conversations where we celebrate the moments of our lives." Meredith throws the taps in the box and picks it up.

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