58 | why they're called trauma rooms

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S2 S19

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S2 S19

what have i done to deserve this?

MADDISON HELPS SHAWN, the little kid, in his bed, tucking him in.

"So, do you not like me?" Shawn asks the girl, making her look at him, a little confused.

"What?" Maddison asks the kid, going to fill in his chart. "What do you mean? Why would I not like you?"

"Because I head the other doctor say that you hated kids, and I am a kid." Shawn explains, and Maddison realizes he overhead Meredith in the CT room.

"Shawn..." Maddison looks at the little kid, amused. "I don't hate kids."

"Then, why did you not say that to the other doctor?" Shawn asks.

"Okay, so maybe I dislike kids." Maddison shrugs, admitting. "But... I don't hate you."

"Really?" Shawn asks, and Maddison found him even more cute.

"Yes, I think you might be the first kid that I like." Maddison smiles at him.

"You like me." Shawn's eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Maddison nods smiling, as she walks up to him. "In fact, if I ever had a kid, I'd want him to be a little like you."

The both smile at each other, as Meredith enters, for his checkup.

"Hey..." Meredith walks in, surprised to Maddison smiling even more in the presence of a child.

"Hi." Maddison smiles widely.

Meredith turns to Shawn, whispering with her eyes still at the other intern.

"What did you do to her?" Meredith asks Shawn.

"She said I'm the first kid she's ever liked." Shawn whispers back, and Meredith turns to look at him.

"Oh, you're good." Meredith nods, acknowledging his talent.

"Thanks." Shawn replies.

"Stop that." Maddison narrows her eyes, as the other two laugh.

maddison sloan  |  GREYS ANATOMYWhere stories live. Discover now