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S3 E6let the angels commit

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S3 E6
let the angels commit

"BURKE'S BACK AND SUDDENLY Christina's running his board." George comments, as him, Alex, Meredith and Maddison watch as Cristina tells residents how to manage Burke's OR. "Who does she think she is, Bailey?"

"She's helping him." Meredith tells them.

"She's taking advantage. She gets out of rounds, she scrubs in on every surgery Burke does, she's ordering around third year residents." Alex replies.

"I want to get out of rounds and order around third year residents." Maddison pouts.

"You're overreacting..." Meredith tells them, just as Cristina grabs the marker form the nurse's hand and starts to write on the OR board herself, making the intern's jaws drop.

"She's writing on the board!" George tells them.

"Maybe I should sleep with Burke." Alex says.

"Liam needs to step up his game or he's gonna be girlfriendless very soon." Maddison mutters.

"YOU'VE BEEN BUSY." Meredith says to Cristina, who was sitting in a corner in the locker room, with books on her lap.

"Yeah" Cristina replies, uninterested.

"Derek hast called yet." Meredith tells them. "I told him I broke up with Finn a week ago, he still hasn't called."

"Hey, why don't we go get drinks, catch up?" Maddison suggests.

"No, I can't. I have to study up for Burke's surgeries tomorrow." Cristina replies, standing up and walking out.

Alex gives the two girls a look.

"She's busy." Meredith sighs.

"DID I JUST HEAR him say two uteruses?" Nancy asks Alex, walking up o the nurse's station.

"You are..." Alex trails off.

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