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S3 E6let the angels commit

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S3 E6
let the angels commit

MADDISON WALKS UP TO Cristina, who was sitting on the stairs in front of the OR board. She holds out a cup of coffee, and Cristina gives it a small glance and after a moment, takes it.

"You're becoming rude." Maddison comments, casually, as she takes a sip from her cup.

"I'm always rude." Cristina simply replies.

"No, you're always blunt which makes you rude." Maddison replies, leaning on the railing. "Now, you're just rude."

"Whatever." Cristina rolls her eyes, and Meredith walks down the stairs and joins them.

"Derek's sister is in town." Meredith tells Cristina and the girl doesn't reply. Meredith and Maddison share a look, as the former turns to the third girl. "Christina, are you mad at us or something, 'cause I've been trying to talk to you-"

"Not everything is about you, Meredith." Cristina cuts her off.

"What's going on?" Meredith asks her. "'Cause George and Alex are saying..."

"I don't care." Cristina snaps.

"Hey." Maddison calls out. "Don't snap at her."

"What is your problem?" Meredith asks.

"I have bigger things in my life right now." Cristina replies, and walks away.

"What is going on with her?" Meredith mutters, concerned.

"I have no idea." Maddison replies, also worried.

MEREDITH AND MADDISON stop to see Cristina sitting troubled in the locker room.

"We're for you." Meredith tells the girl, but Cristina doesn't turn around. "Whatever it is."

"Whenever you're ready, we're here." Maddison adds softly.

"Thank you." Cristina whispers, and the two girls walk away.

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