46 | i'm holding an artery here

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S2 E13begin the begin

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S2 E13
begin the begin

THE THREE WERE TRAVELLING by the hospital's small jet, where, inside. Cristina sat on the widow seat, or her left was Maddison, who was almost asleep with her head on Cristina's shoulder, and over the other aisle, Bailey sat with her legs up and eyes closed.

The resident opens her eyes, just to see Cristina looking at her belly.

"Yang, why are you staring at my fat pregnant belly?" Bailey questions.

"Sorry, I'm-" Cristina looks to the other side, out of the window.

THE THREE STAND IN the OR at Twin Falls hospital, with the operating team that was about to perform the surgery on the organ donor, when a nurse hands Bailey a telephone.

"Dr. Bailey." The nurse says, and Bailey nods at Maddison, who takes the phone and puts it to Bailey's ear, as the resident scrubs in.

"Dr. Burke." Bailey says into phone, making Cristina look at them and make weird gestures, trying to say that not to tell Burke that she's there. "The, uh, donor's on 25 mics of dopamine." Bailey looks through the chart, listening to whatever Burke was saying. "They started him on 5mics of dobutamine 30 minutes prior to arrival." Burke says something. "CVP. Go." Bailey tells Cristina.

"Around 10." Cristina answers.

"Around 10." Bailey says into the phone.

"MAP close to 80." Cristina adds, knowing he would ask, making Bailey nod.

"Close to 80." Bailey answers, after Burke asked. He says something, and Bailey turns to the operating team. "The heart needs to be off the dobutamine."

WHILE BAILEY AND MADDISON perform the surgery, while Cristina watches from the side.

"Cristina, call Burke." Bailey tells the intern. "I'm feeling some fairly extensive damage from coronary artery disease."

"Um..." Cristina lets out. "Maddison can do that."

"I'm holding an artery here." Maddison deadpans.

"Yang?" Bailey calls, and Cristina walks over to the phone, hesitantly.

"Talk me to Bailey." Burke talks into the phone.

"It's me." Cristina whispers.

"I can't talk I'm waiting for a call from Bailey." Burke tells her.

"I'm with Bailey." Cristina informs.

"You're in Idaho?" Burke's eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah." Cristina nods.

"You're breaking the rules." Burke replies.

"Yes." Cristina nods.

"Preston. What's happening with our heart?" Chief's voice comes.

"Hello, Dr. Webber. Tell me what I need to know about Denny's heart, Dr. Bailey." Burke says.

COMING BACK IN THE jet, the three sat at the same places, and Bailey catches Cristina looking at her belly again.

"Yang." Bailey says, and Cristina changes the topic after a moment.

"You know what's wrong with having an 80 hour limit?" She asks them. "It protects the weak. It levels the playing field. Which not only sucks. It's, it's dangerous."

"80 hour work week. That's what's on your mind?" Bailey asks, and Cristina looks away. "I thought about it. Not keeping it."

"You did?" The two interns turn to her.

"My husband and I..." Bailey sighs. "We tried for years but still when that stick turned blue... Well you can't work the way we work, you can't want the kind of careers that we want and not take pause. I took pause."

"You paused?" Cristina asks.

"I paused. I paused a very long time." Bailey nods.

"So why did..." Cristina asks.

"I sat up one night." Bailey tells them. "Middle of the night... and I knew I could do this... I still don't know how I'm gonna do this, but... I knew I could do it. You just have to know and when you don't know then no one can fault you for it. You do what you can, when you can, while you can. And when you can't, you can't."

Maddison puts her head on Cristina's shoulder, as the girl gets lost in thought.

MADDISON, IZZIE AND GEORGE sit on the bathroom floor, sharing a pizza, when they hear Doc barking loudly, and Meredith yelling.

"You don't eat laundry. Bad dog! Bad dog! Bad!" Meredith yells, opening the bathroom door, and stepping in with her arms filled with laundry, closing the door behind her.

She sees the three sitting and throws the laundry down, sitting with them and taking a slice of pizza, as Izzie goes back to reading her magazine.

"Oh, she's cute." Meredith pats Bagel's head, who was walking around the bathroom.


short chapter, ik ik, but more to follow soon! the drama is coming people!

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