70 | he's jealous

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S2 E2517 seconds

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S2 E25
17 seconds

"OKAY, YOU CAN DO the patient in bay 2's stitches?" Liam says to one of the nurses, and then turns to another. "And the patient in trauma 5 needs to be sent up for surgery."

"Yes, Dr. William." The nurses nod, and Liam walks over to Bailey who was standing near Will's bed in bay 1, who was one of the gunshot victims.

"How's it looking, Dr. Bailey?" Liam asks.

"Looks good." Bailey replies, turning to Will. "We'll send up Will here, as soon as an OR opens up."

"Good." Liam nods. "We need to start working our way through this overflow."

"Absolutely, Dr. William." Bailey nods.

"You know, even with all these cuts, I don't feel any pain." The patient in bay 3, Brad, the manager, loudly tells the nurse who was doing his stitches. "I swear, I have the highest pain threshold of anybody I know."

"God! If I could say something to that guy and not get fired..." Will tells them.

"Well, he can't fire, Dr. Bailey." Liam looks at the resident.

"No, he cannot." Bailey nods, and walks over to Brad's bed. "Uh, Mr. Eckles? Brad? Uh, I'm happy for you that you're not feeling much pain from your very minor injuries. But there are a great many people in this hospital who are in a great amount of pain. See, they have bullets in their bones, in their chests, and in their brains. Bullets from a gun that was aiming for you. And although they can't say it because you are the boss of them, most of these people at this moment are praying... not that they'll live, not that the pain will subside, they're praying to God for you at this moment to shut the heck up!"

With that, Bailey walks away, leaving Brad speechless, as Will mouths thank you to her.

"No problem." Bailey nods, as Liam smiles and shakes his head, walking away too.

"KAREV." CRISTINA SPITS OUT as her, Maddison and Meredith sit on a gurney out in the hallway. "He stood there and chose that moron over me."

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