Chapter 12

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A.N.: soo... well I had bad grades and my parents took my computer. So heres a shitty, and uneventful but longer chapter to make up? The next one should be coming much quicker and things should really start then, but I can't promise anything. It should be here within two weeks and If it isn't here next month dont hesitate to message me on tumblr :) love you 

Louis’ pov

At half past nine in the morning, Louis was impatiently waiting for his now favourite class to begin. Harry and the other students were yet to come, but the teacher was already writing this hour’s subject on the whiteboard, whistling while doing so. Afterwards he took a seat behind his desk, to look around the classroom, his big signature grin plastered on his face. 

Louis was usually one to really appreciate it when people are often in a good mood, but this guy took friendliness to a whole new level. Not once had he seen his teacher let the corners of his mouth drop for a second. The fact that Mr Murs hadn’t ever let his smile disappear, or answered a student with only the slightest bit of sarcasm or annoyance in his voice, always staying his friendly and chipper self instead, gave the fringed haired lad the creeps. It could only be a facade right? There was no way that this kind of behaviour wasn’t faked. So, who knew what was actually on the guy’s mind?

As the gaze of the teacher was currently focused on him, Louis decided to break the eye contact himself and took a subtle look at his phone for the time. Still 5 minutes till the start of the next hour.

 In the mean time the lad briefly thought back of yesterday’s events and his discussion with Liam that same morning, wondering if they’d made the right decision by just awaiting first, looking for more clues, before taking resort to heavier arrangements like hunting the beast down.

Luckily his curly haired friend, and some other pupils as well, decided to come a bit earlier too and took that moment as cue to walk through the door, breaking Louis’ bubbly of worrisome thoughts and bringing his chipper mood back instead.

“Hi Lou,” he heard a deep voice calling next to him. The owner of the voice took a seat, sweeping his chocolate coloured fringe out of his eyes at the same time.

“I didn’t expect you here already. Did maths ended early or what?”

Louis smiled softly, endeared with the fact that his roommate had remembered that part of his timetable, although he’d only briefly mentioned it once before.

“No, it didn’t, ‘cause I hadn’t even given it the chance to even start today,” the lad smirked mysteriously, ending his statement with a wink.

Harry watched Louis’ knowing eyes confusedly. First he didn’t grasp the lad’s cryptic words, but then the meaning of Louis’ words sunk in, letting his eyes widen in realization.

“Wait, what? You ditched?”

The other boy nodded in confirmation, running his hands through his hair, to make it fall even messier. After seeing such a sinful image in front of him, Harry absentmindedly bit his lower lip. With his eyes focused on the lad in front of him, he almost forgot that he’d asked something in the first place, until Louis verbally answered.

“Yeah, I’m failing maths either way, so I figured that sleeping in would be more useful than ever coming back.”

“Oh come on, you can’t be serious,” Harry retorted quickly, noticing the mischievous glance that had set in his friends azure eyes. “You can’t have decided that after only 4 or 5 classes!”

A pout was being formed on Louis face as he was disappointed that his friend didn’t believe him and he surrendered.

“Alright, you got me. That wasn’t the real reason. I just had some... stuff to discuss with Liam.” Furrows appeared on Louis’ forehead, suggesting how carefully he was trying to pick the right words. He decided to subtle change the subject, hoping Harry wouldn’t catch on.
 “Although I wasn’t lying about the failing maths part, as that is likely to happen.”

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