Chapter 24

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When Harry made his way to their lunch table the next day, he was met by a rather surprising sight. There wasn't any sign of Niall or even of one of his room mates, but he did see Zayn sitting next to a girl with pink hair. Pink.

As he took a seat in front of them, candyfloss-girl happened to be Perrie, so, huh the two of them had made up, apparently, and Perrie had once again decided to dye her hair. Harry still hadn't figured out how she was able to buy the product, because they're not allowed to leave the school until Christmas break. Maybe she had a whole bunch of them taken along with her. Maybe she hadn't.

"Hey," Zayn greeted him, while Perrie gave him a dazzling smile, nothing like the look she had given Louis while dragging him away from Harry a couple of weeks ago.

"Hi dear, I'm Perrie," she fluttered with her hand in a waving motion, "I don't think we've properly met before. Not in the right circumstances that is."

"Uhm, yeah. Nice to meet you too."

She then continued eating like it was the most normal situation in the world that she'd just embarged in their lunch group, sitting at their lunch table with vibrant pink hair whilstZayn was giving her loving looks, completely smitten even though he'd told Harry she was still avoiding him only the day before. Ugh, girls!

But Harry still didn't deem it his place to bring it up as it was impolite and, well the actual reason was the he really wasn't in the mood for a dramatic or awkward conversation.

"So do you know where Niall is? And Sean and Josh?" He just asked.

"In the library," Zayn spoke up," said he had to finish an essay due this afternoon. And Sean and Josh are cleaning 'cause they've let something explode in chemistry. It was a complete disaster," he grinned.

"Oh, alright."

As soon as Harry started to eat his lunch, Perrie and Zayn practicly crawled in their. personal love-bubble. They were whispering and giggling to each other, making Harry feel like an intruder, a third wheel. So yes, the two of them had definitely made up!

Harry started to eat faster, not wanting to spend a minute more than necessary with the love-sick couple. Fortunately for him, his savior showed up only five minutes later.

"Hello, my favourite Curly," he heard while someone plopped down in the chair next to him. He was startled as his eyes met a grinning Louis Tomlinson wearing a sinful black shirt that revealed his mouthwatering colar bones and hugged his chest in all the right places. Damn, Harry could almost hear the angels sing.

"Louis? What're you doing here?"

"Hanging out with my favourite Curly, of course," He took Harry's juice box, examining it closely before tentatively taking a sip. A grimace appeared on his face and he immediately returned the drink to its owner.

Harry was completely unaware of the tention rising by the cold looks that Zayn and Perrie were giving Louis, having even stopped talking to do so.

"But don't you usually hang out with Liam during lunch time?"

"Yeah, but he said he wanted to check on someone or something. I don't know. He's been watching someone lately, but he's terribly secretive about it, won't even tell me his name. Knowing Liam it's probably just a crush on whom he'll never act on, because he's too scared for the future, too scared to get hurt," he absentmindedly took hold of Harry's bracelets and started to play with them, "So yeah, I figured I could just check on you too, now. Hang out with you some more."

His words were light, but his eyes were carefully examining Harry until they finally landed on the spot, now hidden by the fabric of Harry's hoodie, where he had taken his blood the night before. Noticing that the boy's cheeks were still the same rose colour and there weren't huge bags underneath his eyes, Louis stopped his examination and smiled in satisfaction.

His smile only grew, eyes crinkling and nose scrutching up, as he found Harry looking back at him with a tender, admiring look.

"And I also maybe came a bit because I might've missed you," Louis gave away softly. Words only meant for Harry to hear.

"I missed you too," Harry beamed back.

The two were still unaware of Zayn and Perrie's hushed whispering, seeming like they were having a small discussion.

"So I was thinking..." Louis implied.

"Hope that didn't hurt too hard."

Louis rolled his eyes and slapped him om the upper arm, "God, your puns keep getting worse every day!"

"Don't need to call me God, just Harry is fine," he grinned back, receiving yet another eye roll for his second terrible joke.

"So I've been thinking," Louis tried again, "that with you being my boyfriend, the two of us, we're dating, right?"

"Maybe not technically, but yes, we are."

"Exactly my point Curly!" Louis grinned at him, eyes sparkling of mischief.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that I'm taking you on our first official date tonight. Like full, complete date," Louis said, innocently peaking through his eyelashes to examine Harry's reaction.

"But we're stuck on this school at least until Christmas break?" Harry shot back confused, "There's no way we could go on a real date."

He got his third eye roll of the day for that answer. 

"Curly, a date doesn't have to be a movie at the cinema and diner at a restaurant; use your imagination. And besides, you don't have to break your pretty head over that aspect of our date. I just need a yes from you and I'll work out the details, okay?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Good," Louis gave him a soft peck on the mouth, smiling in the kiss. Harry could almost feel the happyess radiating off of him.

"Dress up nicely, I'll pick you up at eight sharp!"

And then after the sounds of his chair scratching on the floor, Louis took off to god-knew-where, basically skipping through the cafetaria. Harry hadn't even gotten the time to ask Louis what he had even meant with 'picking him up'. They slept in the same dorm for crying out loud!

He returned his attention to his food again, only to be met with Zayn and Perrie staring at him.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing dear," Perrie answered with one of her dazzling smiles, innocently twiddling with one of her ear rings. But as Harry took hold of his food again, he couldn't help but doubt her honesty. Her eyes darted to a spot on Harry's neck that had just been revealed by his hoodie, where the fabric had shifted. She examined what looked like a tiny scar there too carefully for Harry's likings, furrowing her eye brows.

But then she seemed to have changed her mind as she looked back at Harry with a smile, eye brows detracting.

"Nothing at all."

They all turned their attention to their food again. Eating practically in silence for the remaining time, only occasionally speaking up to talk about classes or the weather.


A.N.: Sorry for the short shitty update. I started this story wanting to write something dark and mysterious and now there's all this fluff! So in in 1 or 2 chapters we'll be back to more exciting stuff and suspense. Be warned.

Also, are there any songs you can rec. that remind you of this fanfic? It could help me write faster and avoid getting a writers block perhapse. so please?

fan/comment(!)/vote/check my other stories out

or, well, I'll love you either way xx

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