Chapter 27

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A.N.: Hi! Any questions will probably be cleared up in one of the next chapters. Love you! And send me song recs please!   xx

The first thing to come up his mind was the dull pain that ached all over his body. His legs, his shoulders even his wrists are sore, but that was probably because of the itching ropes burning his skin. The nausea was so bad that it felt like his stomach had decided to do a million backflips. Definitely not one of the best ways to wake up.

He groaned as he felt a warm going over the back of his head, probably blood from a still-open head wound. The events of last night -or was it still night? His head still throbbed too much to open his eyes without having to fear to throw up- started to come back. The date. The argument with Louis. Harry walking away to think. The... Did he really got kidnapped? Or was this some sick kind of joke?

His head ache had gone down enough for Harry to try and open his eyes. After all, he really should take in his surroundings. Who knew where that guy had taken him. Blinking a bit helped to clear his view, but the edges of his sight were still blurred. He couldn't even imagine what that guy had used to drug him.

He was seated in a small one-room cottage. Black patterns had been painted on the floor, creating an unrecognisable figure. There were only two windows, a small one on the roof which was opened, letting a fresh breeze come in, and one on the side. The one on the side only showed trees, so the guy should've taken him somewhere in the woods. Hopefully it were the woods close to school as he didn't think anyone would ever find him again otherwise.

Shit, how the hell did he get out of here? Did his friends already know of his disappearance? Did something happen to them too? And, most importantly, why was he, plain old Harry, been taken and tied up in the middle of nowhere?

"Oh, you're up I see."

Harry opened his eyes again, after having them unconsciously closed again. Right before his eyes was the face of none other than his psychology teacher, smiling wickedly up at him. The guy literally seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Mis- mister... m- murs? Why... I?" He slurred, his tongue feeling numb in his mouth as it didn't want to work yet the way he wanted it to. He groaned as his head started to throb again.

"Don't worry, Harry. The effects of the drugs should take off soon." He squeezed Harry's chin and winked before standing up to pace in the small room.

"So is this the part where you tell me your super villain master plan?" Harry managed to get out, making a useless effort of trying to slide his hands out of the rope behind him.

"Maybe I do owe you an explanation," the teacher said. He ended up sitting on a small table in the far corner, next to the door and was swinging his legs like a child. That ever-present smile was still on his face, looking even creepier than normally. But that was probably because Harry now knew the lad wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.

"I'm waiting," Harry spat. He had decided that as he was pretty helpless being tied up, he would use sarcasm and bitchy remarks as a defence. It was the least he could do.

"It's pretty simple, actually," he had taken out a knife and started to play with it, "I've almost known immediately about your little friend being a vampire. Finding his friend was almost too easy after that. It took a bit longer to find who the dog was, but after I managed to do that too, it was only a matter of time and planning to get where we are now." He smiled as if he had just told Harry a cute fairy-tale.

"What do you mean? That doesn't explain why you've taken me."

"Apparently you're less smart than I took you for," he let the knife jump from one hand to the other, before gently letting it slide over his own throat, "Don't you get it, Harry. Your vampire friends, the dog, they're all related to you. If I would've taken anyone else, they wouldn't all three come here. But with you, they'll gather their powers and come here in a heartbeat, thinking they have outsmarted me by figuring it out. Don't you get it, Harry. You're the bait!"

"Wait, what?" Harry looked almost as pale as a sheet, "What do you want to do to them? Do you want to kill them?"

"Oh, no, Harry," he shook his head with big, innocent eyes as if he couldn't even imagine doing what Harry had just said, "You see, you can't kill them as they don't even live to begin with. They're not supposed to be alive. I would only guide them to their real destination."

Panic broke out as the seriousness of the situation kicked in. The psycho psychology teacher wanted to kill Louis and Zayn and Liam. Harry started to pull and tug at the ropes, trying not to pay attention to his sore shoulders and aching head, but all efforts were futile. He was powerless waiting for his friends to come over and get killed.

"Why would you do this? They've never hurt you! They've never hurt anyone!"

The smile suddenly vanished from his face. An unseen, almost bloodthirsty, facial expression came up. It made the hair of Harry's arms stand up, the blood in his veins turning into ice.

"You don't know anything about those creatures, child. They've manipulated and brainwashed you, promising you unyielding love and friendship, maybe even powers, but don't forget they are not human. They're evil creatures who would kill your family without hesitation like others have killed mine and they've probably killed hundreds of other families before. The parasites, have they ever told you anything about what they did the years before you've met? Have they told you what they're up to when they're gone at night?"

Although Harry could clearly see how psychotic the guy was, how he probably acted as a way of revenge, too touched by the loss of his family, Harry still started to doubt. Because, in the end, how psychotic and evil he might be, the guy did have a point. Louis had never told him anything about his years before. He had even avoided the question when Harry had posed it and gave a vague answer. The only thing Harry did know was that at some point Louis had known his mother, which didn't say anything at all in the end.

The guy had calmed down again and taken his place on top of the small table again, smiling.

"It doesn't matter. We shouldn't worry because luckily I'll be there before they can do even more damage." The grin that came up was the most terrifying Harry had ever seen. If he survived this, he was sure that that look would haunt him until infinity.

"They should arrive here any minute." 

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