Chapter 16

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A.N.: I don't even know what I'm doing with this story any more? But hey, here's a new chapter hope you like it! it's the longest ever, which is really weird because it feels like i've almost nothing? oh well. Oh and, should there be a possibility of smut in later chapters? 

I almost never dedicate chapters, but xxsmxx has BEAUTIFUL stories that have way to little reads, because she just writes amazing! (and I'm really fangirling that she reads my story!) so, yeah, you should all visit her profile.

Vote, fan, comment, eat a banana, idc if you read this I love you :) 

“So basically, you want me to believe that you and Liam are ‘vampires’ and Zayn is like some kind of werewolf?”

“I don’t want you to believe me, Harry. I’m just stating facts,” Louis shrugged like he didn’t care what Harry thought, but inside he was hoping badly that the curly haired boy would believe him. Believe him and not ran away from him screamingly.

Harry kept looking at him through eyes squinted out of disbelief. He knew what he saw and it did kind of fit with Louis’ explanation, but it couldn’t be real right? They were only living on plain earth, just a normal world. Immortal creatures living of blood and men changing into wolves didn’t exist, right? Was it even scientific possible to live hundreds of years by taking blood or transphorming into some sort of canine just because the moon was at its fullest? 

“Look I know It’s a lot to take in and I don’t need you to believe me already. I know. I’ve been there too, you know. So, if you still have questions I’m more than happy to answer them. I must admit I don’t know much about werewolves, but you can ask me everything about my own species.”

“Come on, Louis, you really think I’m going to believe you’re a vampire? Please, cut the joke before it gets awkward.”

Although Harry’s words sounded certain, his body language gave away his doubt. His lip was almost bleeding from the pressure of his teeth and his eyes were looking everywhere but Louis’ direction. Something Louis instantly saw through.

“I would never joke about something like that,” Louis hissed, offended that Harry thought so low about him, “You’ve seen enough proof yourself. I’m not lying to you!”

“But it can’t be true! Things like that just don’t exist!”

“You want me to prove it to you,” Louis asked defiantly, “you want me to show you again?”

Slowly Louis crawled closer to the curly haired boy, looking him straight in the eyes while carefully pronouncing every single word. The tone of his voice had noticeably lowered. Eventually he ended up sitting right in front of the boy and spoke up, almost whispered, his normally high pitched voice currently deeper than ever.

“You want me to make you believe it?”

Harry couldn’t see anything anymore but the blue of Louis’ eyes. At the moment they were more like a darkish blue than the normal cerulean. It was weird how they’d clearly darkened a lot, like a shadow had invaded them, but they also seemed to burn brightly like dancing flames, burning holes in Harry’s own eyes. Amazing how a colour that looked more as ice, could warm him up, heat his cheeks and make his blood run faster, like fire could. The teenage human couldn’t utter a word, but his adam apple bopped up and down as he swallowed. Against all expectations, Harry gave him a little nod as to answer the vampire’s question.

Suddenly Louis’ index finger was slowly running over Harry’s neck. Up and down. Up and down. Lightly touching his skin from the upper edge of his collar-bone up to the bottom of his jaw, finally ending at a point somewhere in between where Louis eventually left his finger and increased the pressure slightly.

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