Chapter 29

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Zayn sniffed for a last time before changing back to his human form. His fangs as well as his furry ears withdrew, his eyes lost their yellow hue.

"It should be here," he said, pointedly looking at a small cottage hidden in the woods a couple of metres in front from them.

"Yes," Liam confirmed, "I can hear two heartbeats. One of them should be Harry, right Louis?"

Louis only nodded, not able to form any coherent words as he was so close to Harry again, so close to saving him taking him back to their dorm, so close to kissing him again.

"Well," Danielle noted, "At least we now know for sure the boy got kidnapped. Do any of you have a plan to get him back or do you just tend to storm in and hope for the best?"

"That wouldn't even work," Perrie sighed, "The window and door are guarded, the charms are too dark, too strong for me to try and break them. There's no way we can get in."

"There must be some way," Louis mumbled and as soon as he had uttered the words he had vanished, circling the cottage, Climbing in trees in search for a weak spot. The others stayed hidden in the bushes as he examined their surroundings. He came back only a couple of seconds later, wearing a huge grin on his face. "What about the skylight?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's a window in the roof at the other side of the cottage," The idea of rescuing Harry getting close to a probability made a huge grin appear on his face.

The group silently moved over, holding distance and making a detour so they wouldn't be seen or heard. When they got to the other side, Perrie immediately made work of checking the skylight for any guard. Soon a wicked grin of her own appeared, her eyes started to twinkle, "The skylight is unguarded and it seems big enough for us to sneak through."


 "Are you sure we should do this?" Perrie inquired, her voice almost inaudible but loud enough for the vampires to catch on.

The five had managed to almost soundlessly get onto the roof, having made good use of Liam and Louis' as well as Zayn's supernatural gift that made them able to move silently and carry the rest of the group on their back.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" Louis immediately hissed back, feeling restless by how close he was to his goal, how close he was to Harry. Nothing could stop him now from getting his boy. If he tried hard enough, he could see Harry already sitting down on the ground, his hands tied behind his back.

"I don't know," Perrie answered, "I just have a bad feeling with it, like it went just a tad too easy."

"We barely found a trace because he tried to wipe it out and we almost didn't find a way to get in because he guarded the other window and the door," Louis pointed out, "This has been anything but easy. We're just lucky he's been a bit sloppy."

"Maybe you're right, but-" Perrie begun.

"Of course I'm right, now open the damn window" Louis scoffed back, barely paying attention to the witch as his eyes peered through the window examining the head of curly hair belonging to Harry. To his relief, he saw that Harry wasn't too badly hurt. Of course, his kidnapper, whom was still out of sight, would pay for having taken him in the first place, let alone tie up and knocking his head, but still, it was a relief to see Harry breathing, to hear the beat of his heart.

Perrie managed to open the window without making any sounds, using a basic charm to do so. She counted down her fingers from three, still not making any noise, before she signed that it was time. They were going in. They were finally going to save Harry.

The five of them practically jumped down at the same time, one by one falling through the newly made hole, only to come down in the middle of the cottage right in front of Harry.

"Harry," Louis immediately cried as the others were still coming out, dropping on the floor behind him. He hugged the boy tightly, breathing in the scent of his soft curls. Behind him he could hear light banter, Perrie and Zayn wondering about a black floor, but they too came soon closer to help release Harry from the ropes.

"Harry," Louis cried again, holding him tighter, "I'm so sorry!"

"Louis," Harry started to say, his voice rough as his throat felt almost as dry as a desert. He really needed some water. But water could come later, he really needed to speak first.

Louis didn't pay attention to him and even the other four crept closer to hug them, having the ropes thrown behind them. "I've missed you so much! This really shouldn't have happened. I swear we'll find the bastard that did this and make him pay."

"Lou," Harry started again after having cleared his throat, trying to wiggle out of the tight embrace. He even pushed Louis back so he could look him in the eyes, but as he was too weak and even on his strongest his force not even close to Louis', his attempts were futile. "Louis, you– " he begun to sound desperate. His wide eyes searching for Louis', trying to make his point. Not really the behaviour you would've expected from someone who had been just saved.

"It's okay, love," Louis tried to soothe him as he noticed his distress, "We're here. Everything's over. Let's get you out of here."

"I don't think that's quite polite. You just came here, Louis, why don't we have a little chat first."

Immediately as the voice started to speak, five heads turned around. It had been foolish, completely stupid for them to not have checked their surroundings yet. They had been blinded by the joy of getting to Harry as they had forgotten what had brought him there in the first place. They had forgotten the existence of a threat was more than possible.

They had been stupid and walked right into a trap. The confidence of the wickedly grinning man in front of them made it more than clear that he had the upper hand. After all, the hands hidden in the pockets of his trousers, his body relaxed as he leaned against the wooden door, didn’t show any signs of fear. Even though he was just on his own, he truly believed he needn’t have to worry about the five supernatural creatures in front of him. That didn’t predict any good.

"Mr Murs?" Louis whispered unbelievingly.

"I did try to warn you." Harry muttered.

 AN: I won't be able to update soon 'cause school is going nuts again. :(((( I DO have planned out everything already, so writing a chapter out shouldn't take as long as normally, that means I might be able to update but... I'd say in a week or two.

Also, can you guess what happens next? I'll give you a hint: It has a little bit to do with something hat they also use in the Tvshow Teenwolf! (are there by any chance any Sterek shippers here?

love you all! (I can't believe people are still reading this lol!)

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