Added scene 3 - Harry's change

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A.N.: This probably isn't what everyone hope getting for Harry's change. There's no suspense, no saving Harry from dying. BUT I felt like this was the most realistic 'ending'. Idk I hope you like it anyway. For some reason writing this was really easy. Almost too easy.

Comment please :)


 Harry’s changing happened on completely different conditions than Niall’s. It’s with his consent, for starters. Something that Niall couldn’t even give because of the unfortunate state that he had been in. Harry also didn’t have to stage his dead, as he would just take a gap year to learn to control his vampiric urges, something Niall was very jealous of.

Staging his death had been the most painful and hardest thing Niall’d ever had to do. As a freshly turned vampire, living next to humans would be extremely dangerous during the first year. The urges to just take blood were hard to control and requested at least a couple of month of intensive practice.

Staying at the boarding school, staying at home, or just changing schools wouldn’t solve that problem. The only thing they could do was to stage Niall's death. That way they he could learn everything on his own pace without endangering the humans around him. It also meant he wouldn’t see Harry for more than a year.

Perrie had been the one to find the potion to help them. They would push him out of a window on second floor so he’d break his neck, something that would kill a human but not a vampire. Afterwards they would give him the potion.

The potion would turn him paralyzed. He’d not be able to move for a week at least. He would just look like a corpse: white skin, no pulse, no movements. That way, his family could hold a funeral, but Niall wouldn’t be able to bite them. He’d be harmless. Unfortunately, the potion couldn’t turn out his consciousness which made it so traumatizing.

He had to hear every tear his family shed over his dead body, he lived through his own funeral without being able to console his mother or father. He experienced first-hand the grief they felt caused by losing their child. And afterwards he was he had to live through being buried before having to wait two days, two days of lying completely still with only thoughts as company, until Liam came to liberate him. It was absolutely devastating.

Afterwards Liam had volunteered to learn Niall the ropes. Harry, Louis, Zayn and Perrie only heard of him every once in a while, but a bit more than a year later, they'd come back at last. They'd visited Louis and Harry's dorm at uni. Harry was glad to see that Niall hadn't changed a thing, except for the colour of his eyes when the pulse of Harry's blood distracted him sometimes. After all, meaning that he wouldn't attack Harry didn't mean he still had tons to learn.

So, Harry had it easy in comparison to Niall. He had been get his A-levels, as well as his finish first year at uni. After his first year studying medicine, Louis often teased him that he’d become the second Carlisle, Harry would get turned and take a gap year afterwards to get used to his new species. Louis had come with him to uni, studying drama, the one thing that could spike his interest.

They had his changing all planned out, Harry hadn’t told his family anything yet. He figured he would just lose contact after his graduation, which would hurt his parents, but not as much as the alternative of staging his death like Niall had been forced to do. Harry had told his parents he’d stay at Louis’ for the second part of the summer, which, actually, was the truth.

Harry couldn’t believe he would ever find someone who meant even more to him than his own family did, but he had. Louis was his soul mate, blood mate to be precise. He was everything Harry needed and more and the lad could feel the pure love burning in his heart, even feeling it grow day by day. That was the reason why he’d agreed to a changing. He just couldn’t fathom living in world with no Louis Tomlinson, so he figured it was the same for him. He couldn’t bring to let Louis lose him, and well, maybe he was also a bit egoistic for wanting as much time with him as possible. And there was nothing longer than eternity, right?

So on a beautiful summer evening, the evening of July 31to be exact, Louis asked for the last time if Harry was okay with it. He could always back out if he wanted. They were lying in bed, having cuddled for most of the day, occasionally making out or going downstairs to get some food in their bodies.

“Yes, Louis. I’m sure. I couldn’t be any surer, if that’s a word. I’m ready to spend the rest of eternity together,” he breathed, before kissing him on the lips.

“You do know that we’ll probably not live forever. I mean, that’s impossible. Even the planet earth has an expiration date.” He smiled, cooing at his adorable boyfriend, lying next to him.

“I know,” Harry rolled his eyes, “you’ve told me numerous times already. I just look forward to the centuries we’ll be having together, then. That better?”

“Might be.” Louis kissed him on the forehead, “I just want to be realistic.”

“I get that, but we’ve discussed this all before. Just get on with it now.” Harry bared his throat, lying pliant on the mattress, like a wolf pup submitting to its alpha.

It had the hoped effect. Louis couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to the main vein, throbbing loudly, for his ears of course, in the middle of Harry’s bared throat. The instinct to just dive in and take him was present. Still, something held him back.

“Louis…” Harry begged him, “Just do it. We both know it’s what we both want.”

“I know…” Louis brought out, “I just don’t want to hurt you and the change is really painful.”

“Louis, I know. I’m prepared. And it’s only for a short while compared to the centuries of time we’ll be having afterwards.”

“You know I love you, right?” Louis mumbled defeated as he knew Harry was right. For some reason this changing, this bonding, binding even, felt more important than marriage would. Louis' venom would forever be hostage of his body. He would forever carry a part of Louis. He gave Louis his life by turning into a vampire. That was more than papers you got when you were married, papers that could be turned into divorce papers with the click of your fingers.

“I know, Lou. I love you too. So much.” He sat up straight to give Louis a kiss. He would never admit, but he was nervous as fuck. The kiss was not only to relax Louis, but also himself.

“always, right?” Louis asked with a small voice.

“We’ll always be together.” Harry answered.

And Louis changed, first his eyes lost their blue colour and then his fangs extended. If Harry didn’t know him that much, he would almost be scared of him. But this was Louis. His Louis. The Louis he loved who never did the dishes, but was always in for a marathon of the Power Rangers. His silly Louis whom he loved so damn much.

Louis dove in, penetrating the skin of Harry’s throat to release the venom. The last thing Harry heard before the overwhelming burst of flaming pain took over, was the sound of his own heartbeat as well as Louis' angelic I love you.

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