Added scene 2 - Niall's change

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A.N.: I feel like this is one of those 'deleted scenes' haha :D I'm sorry if it's dissapointing, or not what you expected. Is there another scene you guys would like me to write? comment and vote if you liked it please, thank you so much :)) xx

"Niall?" he whispered again, in a gently way pushing the blond fringe out of the boy's closed eyes. His pulse sounded too weak. Sound getting quieter and beat getting slower as seconds passed.

Had the beautiful boy just given his life for theirs?


Liam ripped a piece of his shirt and bound it around the boy's leg, trying to stop the bleeding. Even though he subconsciously knew it was too late already, he needed to try. He couldn't just sit and watch the blonde die.

"Niall, please wake up. You need to stay alive, okay?" He called him, cradling him closer to his chest.

Niall opened his eyes halfway, too weak to move anything else, "Li... Li'm I..." he slurred, "Liam, 'm scar'd. I don't wanna die." 

“Don’t be scared, buddy.” He grabbed his weak hand and squeezed softly, “You’re not going to die. I promise you.”

As Liam saw the life ebbing away from his boy, he came to only one conclusion. Or Niall was to die, or Liam would turn him. Turn him into an undead creature surviving on the blood of the living ones. Turn him into an immortal predator. Could he really do that to Niall? The sweet and joyful and optimistic Niall who didn't have one bad bone in his whole body? He knew he’d just promised to not let him die, but did he deserve such a life?

Unfortunately Liam didn't have the time to mull over his decision. The clock was ticking and time running out. He turned his head trying to get someone to help them for only to see that Zayn was watching him, the others had already left the house.

"Do it." He said to Liam, voice quiet still steady.

"But, he's your best friend. You're a werewolf. Wouldn't you hate it for him to become like me?"

He shook his head, "Do it. His life is more valuable than a strife as old as the hills. Niall's more important than that. He deserves to live and you can give him that. Do it. Save him."

"Okay, I... I will," Liam vowed, looking back to the fragile boy in his hands. As soon as he'd said those words, Zayn moved to walk out of the house. He could handle Niall turning into a vampire in theory, but that didn’t mean he could fathom seeing the change. It didn't go well with his werewolf nature. His instincts drove him away.

"Liam," Niall slurred again, eyes closed. His breathing had gone heavy. It seemed to getting harder and harder for him to get oxygen. The scent of the cloth around his leg, already painted a bright scarled, drove Liam even wild.

"Hush," he whispered, restraining himself as he gently stroke the blond fringe from his fore head. Could he really do it? Could he plant his teeth into the fragile, pale throat and release his venom?

Suddenly he heard Niall's heart give a final thump, before falling still altogether. He didn't have any time left to think, to contemplate, so he handled on instinct and dove in.

"I'm sorry, Niall," he spoke, eyes red already and fangs extended. His teeth found no difficulties in penetrating the soft skin, directly entering the prominent vein and letting go his venom. It had been years, mere centuries since he'd last inserted his venom. Louis had also been the only one before Niall he'd turned.

He ignored the sweet flavour of the blood that still residented in Niall and withdrew, before planting his fangs into his bicep to release even more venom. He wanted Niall to live, to keep existing. That meant he couldn't drink his blood as it would kill him even more. Once again, Liam withdrew his fangs to plant his fangs into another part of his body. Did it work?

"Come on, Niall," Liam begged eventually, "Don't leave us like this. I... I care for you. So, so much. Please, don't leave us. You have so much more to live for. You deserve to live. Come back, for your family, for your friends, for... for me. I may not have known you that long, but I felt like maybe one I could even love you..."

Niall's eyes flew open and almost immediately he started to scream in pain, trashing around, searching for a release that would not come. Liam knew how he felt. His veins probably felt like they were on fire, no it felt like they were turning into such a cold ice that it scalded his insides. Ice burn. How difficult it was for Liam to see this young lad in pain, it was even better to know that he'd live. Yes, Niall would need to learn how to adapt to his undead situation. He'd have to leave his family sooner or later and would always crave for blood, but he would live too. And that was most important.

"Hush," he whispered with tears in his eyes and a watering smile on his face. "You're going to be okay, Niall. Maybe it doesn't feel like it right now, but you will." He gave a kiss to his forehead, before Niall sunk into the bliss of unconsciousness.

He would wander in and out of unconsciousness for a few days from now on. Feeling more and more pain every time he woke up as the venom turned him into a creature of the night. Liam promised himself to stay close to the boy during his change.

He cradled the limp boy to his chest and stood up to carry him outside, wanting to lay him in a bed, thanking the Gods for saving Niall. He didn't know why he cared so much for the blonde boy as of yet, but he knew he would figure out soon. It would work out for the both of them. Of that, he was sure.

So he walked outside the house to carry Niall to his new life.

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