Chapter 10

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A.N: Guess what! My laptop broke down! And it wasn't my fault, entirely, maybe a little bit, much, but okay maybe it was my fault but ssssh! How could I know that screens crack that simple? I'm sorry for the wait, but hey I wrote it down in my notebook and typed the chapter in as soon as i got access to the internet. It's also my longest chapter ever! (A bit more than 2K so still not that long, but yeah)

A massive thank you for all the votes, comments, fans, ... If i could, I'd give every one of you some berrie skittles! (those are the best) I also wish everyone good luck with the incoming exams (I have Latin already thursday and I haven't even begun learning yet, ... Ugh the thugh life)

And WOW!  It has justed started to snow outside! (Yes, melting snow is still snow) so I'm in a very good mood! I hope you like the chapter and please if you have any suggestions, feedback leave them behind :) I'm going to end this major author note now and just let you read...

toodles noodles!

This chapter is called 'Freedom' for obvious reasons

Louis’ POV

After a good hour of childlike behaviour, running till his legs seemed wanting to fall underneath him, he fell with a loud thumb on his back on the soft grass in a glade in the middle of the woods. His sparkling eyes watched the white, fluffy clouds in the sky form different figures.

He took a deep breath to inhale the fresh air filled with a diversity of scents. He could smell the jasmines, rooting proudly next to him, rabbits, who have been jumping on this piece of land only minutes ago, and the sunlight.

The sunlight was warming his skin up and brightening his mood even more. Louis was really glad that the ancient vampire stories were wrong about this and that he wouldn’t get turned into ashes if the vampire even dared to look at the light coming from the big star that humans called ‘sun’. He really wasn’t sure that he could’ve ever given that up, if he should’ve done.

While entwining his fingers with the tall grass, curling them around it and then pulled hard so that a small pile of the plant was slowly beginning to form next to him, he finally felt it for real. The thing that he had come looking for in this hundred years old forest. The thing that he had seemed to have lost.


He wanted to spend all his days like this. Mind blank, sun on his face and air. Everything was easy. No confusing tall, lads with curly hair who Louis wanted to cherish and rip into pieces at the same time. No teachers jelling at him for having awful maths talents. No Liam working on his nerves or telling him what to do. The only thing he needed was freedom. And food. Yes, he definitely wanted yummie food too. And blood of course, sweet blood to keep him alive. Preferably the blood of a cute boy. One with bright, green eyes and clumsy feet. And with dimples forming when he smiles. And he should have a deep, slow voice and a sincerity that was very hard to find these days.

And… Well fuck, Louis really couldn’t leave harry behind, could he? Only two days and the vampire was already completely and utterly smitten with the lad. Already needing him like a heart needs a beat.

And well, he couldn’t leave Liam behind either. The lad was actually very nice and funny. He was the best friend, almost brother, that Louis could’ve ever wished for even if he could be a little bit irritating sometimes, but that goes with having a brother. How could Lhe have ever even been considered it to abandom Liam?

Louis closed his eyes again. He knew that he couldn’t lie here forever and should head back sometime, but as long as this precious feeling of freedom lasted, Louis made sure he would enjoy every moment of it.

When the September sun was halfway in his journey of leaving the sky, Louis decided to jump up and head back to the civilized world. He was sick of only being able to talk to a seemingly mute bird (It had only started singing after Louis had left it alone, which hurt the lad a little, but he would never confess that.) and Louis was dying for some company. Alright, he should admit that his previous plan really hadn’t been that bright of an idea at all.

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