Chapter 17

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A.N.: sorry, I didn't want it to take so long! don't know what happened actually? (alhtough I had a GIANT writer's block) on the bright side it's the longest chapter I've ever posted in this story (which isn't that long actually, but yeah) 

I hope there will be some real Larry in the next chapter, but who knows?
There WONT be smut in the next chapter, but as I've gotten a lot of response, there WILL be (although probably badly written) smut in the story

oh, and thank you all for the votes (like wow! ily :D) It means the world to me.
Sorry for the big ass authour note, enjoy the chapter please. Sorry it ends where it does, but I didn't want to let you wait even longer :/ 

comment or vote and I'll love you fiveever x 


The next day, Harry found himself standing in front of the classroom at a time that (in Harry’s opinion) was way too early to do anything yet, let alone attend classes. He sighed and opened the door. The boy was actually a couple of minutes late, but fortunately his history teacher held a soft spot for him, so she let him through without giving him too much trouble for it.

Harry quickly spotted the bleached hair of his friend at the end of the classroom and made his way over.

“Hi, Nialler,” he greeted, his voice still sleepy. Afterwards he took his textbook out, opening it at page 74: The russian revolutions.

As Harry didn’t get any response, he glanced in between the curls, that were hanging in front of his eyes, at his friend. He was surprised by the sight.

Niall’s gaze was set on anywhere but Harry, a sour expression on his face. He looked mad, very mad. Eyes-squinted-out-of-anger mad. An emotion you’d rarely connect to Niall.

“Hi?” Harry tried again.

This finally got a reaction out of the blonde boy, as he decided to give Harry his attention.

“ ‘Hi’, that’s all you’ve got?” Niall hissed, venom covering his words.

He didn’t get an answer, only a confused Harry. Niall lost it at this, turning a page of his textbook with much more force than necessary before speaking up again. 

“I’ve called you 5 times, yesterday. I’ve texted you even more. But no, not once an answer. And then you just say ‘Hi’, don’t even bother with apologising?”

Harry took his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. Because he had been late this morning and too tired, he hadn’t bothered with picking new clothes out, just taking the ones he had been wearing the day before.

Niall was right. 5 missed calls and 8 text messages, all send between 11 P.M. the day before and 1 A.M. that morning.

“Oh,” Harry uttered, feeling bad for leaving his friend in the dark. Literally.

“Oh? Well, Harry, you really know how to apologise these days. Don’t want to be too nice or polite, do we?”

“Styles, Horan, cut it out! I’m trying to teach!” Ms Flack called from the front of the class, while writing something on the blackboard.

Niall continued his rant, but quietened his tone.

“I waited for hours outside. No sign of Zayn, no signs from your side either. When I came back your dorm room was empty and Zayn hadn’t came back to mine either. And the whole fucking time I could hear creepy wolf howls from the side you had headed to.”

He shakily breathed,

“I was so fuckin’ worried! And then you parade in here like nothing happened, not even understanding why I’m not in a good mood!”

In A Heartbeat - Larry Stylinson [complete]Where stories live. Discover now