Chapter 15

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A.N.: Hi thank you all for your votes! Sorry for the last cliffhanger, but I've updated quite fast, didn't I? :D I don't really know what this chapter is, I'm not really happy with how the second part turned out. But, like Louis' T-shirt and tattoo say, It is what it is! I hope you like it :)! Comment and/or vote please? Love you!


Fortunately, the universe was kind to Harry that day, as it decided that it wasn't yet his time to go. His story not even close to ending. So two other boys, if you want to call them boys although they were at least a couple of centuries old, decided to interfere.

Out of nothing, Louis suddenly jumped in front of the curly haired boy, blocking the wolf from coming any closer and he hissed with bared fangs at the creature to make it back off. Liam soon followed and attacked for real.

He tackled it to the ground, using his inhuman speed and strength, and fell on top of the animal-like creature. The wolf growled in return and with a harsh move, he turned them up-side-down so it was Liam's turn to be held down. Something he couldn't let happen. The two wrestled for a bit, fangs trying to pierce through each other's skin, until Liam finally had the wolf pinned to the ground. He then brought out two silver rings which he'd carried with him, clapped them open en shoved them over the claws of the werewolf.

The silver prevented it from moving too much, because yes, the famous 'silver myth' was true. It had something to do with the venom that every werewolf once had injected through a bite. This venom was more active during the full moon, which made werewolves transform of course. It was currently rushing through Zayn's veins and didn't really react well to the silver around his paws. His body froze, making it difficult to struggle or even move.

At the same time, Louis was trying to shield Harry from the wolf. After he made sure that Liam had the situation more or less under control, he tugged at Harry's sleeve, begging him to stand up. He wanted to get the boy as soon as possible out of the danger zone.

"Harry, come on love let's get you out of here."

Harry didn't answer, didn't even acknowledge Louis' use of petname, and kept sitting on the dirty ground, still dazed by what was happening. Louis became impatient, eyes furiously shifting in all directions to assure their safety and eventually they landed again on the confused and scared boy in front of him.

"Come on Harry! We've gotta get you out of here! Liam's already handling it, alright? You're safe now"

He still didn't get any response, so he decided to take matters in his own hands, so he lifted the curly haired lad up and started to carry him away from the 'battlefield'. For once, Louis was really thankful for his vampire traits, because with normal human strength he wouldn't have been able to carry Harry so easily.

He soon started to run off, while mumbling soothing words in Harry's curls. Not too many of course because thanks to his inhuman speed the two of them were already in their dorm in a couple of seconds. Louis placed him gently on his bed. All the time Harry hadn't uttered a single word. Louis then came sitting on the duvet in front of the other boy, worry and concern clouding his thoughts and facial expression, but the curly haired boy wasn't looking back at him. Louis extended his arm to embrace him in a hug, but Harry absentmindedly flinched away.

"Harry, please say something, anything! Are you alright?"

It stayed silent for a moment, as Louis caring pulled his fringe out of his eyes, who were directed at the fabric in front of him. Suddenly Harry faced him. Pale face but pink coloured cheeks, his eyes blood-shot, and his veins still pumped full of adrenaline.

"What the fuck did just happen? Please tell me I'm dreaming and that all this wasn't real. It wasn't? Right?"

Quite relieved that he at least talked -although it was in a rather hurried and desperate tone- Louis was stuck with the duty of explaining the situation and making sure that he didn't scare Harry off, or well that he at least wasn't traumatized for his life after a night like this.

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