Chapter 18

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A.N.: Ugh, it's not much and uneventful and has a brusque ending, but it's something? I had wanted to write more, yeah... 
My exams are coming up, so I won't be able to write next month. I'll make it up to you later! I promise! So here is already something for you, but it's not much and badly written because it's late and I have been studying maths the whole day :/ 

Hope you try to enjoy it anyway? thank you btw for all the AMAZING feedback, they make me smile so much :) xx 

 Btw check my new book cover!! Made by the lovely user 'sexycarrotclub' 


 “Alright, I’ll tell you everything from the start.”

Zayn took a careful breath of air before starting his story.

“So this summer, my cousin from Pakistan decided to give us a visit,” Zayn slowly began, still trying to find the right words.

“It was really nice seeing Samir back. He had always been my favourite cousin as he was of my age and we used to get on real well when we were kids. I used to live very close to him, so we hung out almost every day. We had been like partners in crime, always playing pranks and being up to some mischief,”

Zayn smiled softly, thinking back at his fond childhood memories. A moment later his smile suddenly faltered. Face serious again, he continued.

 “That is, until his parents decided to move back to Pakistan when we were twelve. My family and I would visit them a couple of times during the holidays, they even came back to England for a couple of days once. And nothing had changed, not really. I didn’t see him that much, but we got on just fine by doing the same things we’d always done.”

Zayn then took a cigarette out, interrupting his story to light it up. He inhaled the smoke, keeping it in for a while and then let go. Afterwards he continued narrating his story.

“Then after a while, we lost contact. From the age of fourteen, fifteen, we didn’t see each other anymore. I kind of missed Samir, but you know life is life. You lose friends, you make new ones. That’s just how it is.”

He was quiet once again, just slowly inhaling the cigarette smoke once every couple of seconds.

“So, uhm, that’s kind of a sad story but, uhm, why do you tell me this?”Harry asked confused, while absentmindedly pulling blades of grass out of the ground they were both seated on.

“Hold on,” Zayn smiled lightly, “I will get to the part you want to hear about. Be patient.”

“Sorry, continue please.”

“So, like I said. I didn’t see him for a while. I hadn’t really forgotten about him, but it wasn’t like I wondered what he might be up to. He didn’t often visit my thoughts,” Zayn said.

“That was, until last summer.” He took a dramatic pause.

 “When I came back from boarding school last June, mum almost immediately started chattering about how my my cousin wanted to come back to England for the summer and would be staying with us. She had already agreed to it and we would get him from the airport the next day.”

Zayn coughed, interrupting his story once again.

Really, Harry thought irritated, Can’t he just get to the point instead of keeping me on edge the whole time?

“He had grown a lot and shaved his hair off. A couple of tattoos were inked on his skin, but besides that he was almost the same as the kid I used to play with all the time. The same humour, the same boldness, I had been used to. We hit off right away, hanging out like we used to. Visiting our old spots or going to my new ones. It was really cool. In the beginning, everything seemed alright.”

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