Chapter 26

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 AN: Hiii!!! You won't get to know yet if your guesses were righ (stay tuned for the next chapters) but I was glad to see that some of you guessed right ^^ Here is a new, bit short chapter. I hope you enjoy and I hope I'll be able to update soon! tell me what you think of it.

"Zayn. Zayn, wake up!”

The hissed whisper together with someone poking his shoulder make that Zayn was instantly awake, his werewolf senses helping him with not crying out, but immediately knowing who the intruder is. With his newly improved eyes he can see the other lad gesture for him to follow him. Normally Zayn wouldn’t just get up at two in the morning, but something about the look of the other lad told him it was important.

He closed the door of his dorm, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness as he addressed the almost shaking lad in front of him. Huh, he hadn’t even known the lad even knew of his existence, so why would he come up to talk to him in the middle of the night?

“Louis? What’s wrong? Why are you here?”

“It’s Harry. He-”

“What did you do to him,” Zayn practically growled, his eyes turning a frightening shade of yellow.

Louis held his hands up in defence, “Zayn, calm down. I didn’t do anything it’s-” something stopped him from continuing. The vampire looked as he was about to cry, panic vivid in his eyes. He took a shaking breath, “Get Perrie. She should be here, she might be able to help too.”

“Louis, what the hell is happening?”

“Just get Perrie.”

Zayn sighed out of frustration and utter confusion, but he still grabbed his phone out of his sweatpants and called Perrie.

Yes, I’m sorry-”

“No, it’s. I’m sorry I woke you up but,”

“Just come to my dorm quickly."

“I don’t know, Louis won’t tell.”


“See you.”

He pocketed his phone again, “She’s coming.”

“Thank you," Louis said, absentmindedly biting on the top of his thumb as sheer panic once again started to take over.

Although it didn't even took five minutes for Perrie to come over, it still felt too long for them as an awkward loaded silence had filled the room while Louis' panic only grew.

"What's wrong?" she yawned irritated, making sure her voice didn't sound too loud as they were still standing next to a bedroom. Her currently blue hair was put in a messy bun as it was definitely clear she had been sleeping only minutes ago, hence her bad mood.

"It's, It's Harry-" Louis started, the terror once again clouding his eyes. Perrie didn't even let him continue as she had made her own conclusions. She grabbed his collar and shoved him into the closest wall. Even though Louis was a vampire and therefore more than capable of defending himself against her, he still let her.

"What did you do to him, parasite? I knew I had seen a bite mark on him the other day," she hissed, nose almost touching Louis'.

"It's- I didn't," Louis tried to speak, but Perrie immediately shut him up, "I knew I couldn't trust you bloodsuckers and now an innocent human had to pay. I should've killed you the first-"

"Perrie, let him speak," Zayn interrupted her, "Let him at least defend himself, love." He grabbed her gently by the waist to pull her back. She let go but not without giving Louis another dirty look.

The vampire instantly took the opportunity in both hands and started to explain, more a stress ramble than anything but still, "I didn't do anything. I mean, we did get into some kind of argument, discussion, so it's my fault for letting him go, but still. I didn't hurt him."

"Wait, what? Explain please." Zayn asked confused, trying to grasp what Louis was telling them.

The vampire took a shaking breath, covering his face with his hands out of desperation, "Harry. He- he's gone."

"What do you mean Harry is gone?" Perrie cried out, completely forgotten that she was meant to be silent. Her previous anger completely forgotten as it got taken over by shock and worry.

"We were outside, Harry and I, and we had some kind of argument, nothing too bad," Louis reassured them, "so I gave him some space, went to our dorm to let him think. He promised he would come back as soon as possible, but he didn't. He- It was already one and I still hadn't heard from him. I tried to search his scent even though we vampires aren't good at that, we can only smell humans when they're close, but I could trace him until his scent completely vanished. He- I," he stopped again, trying to compose himself, "He's gone."

"He's gone? What do you think it means? Did someone take him?" Zayn asked, remarkably well holding his head cool in regards of the situation.

"I don't know," Louis admitted defeat, "That's why I came to get you. You werewolves have much better noses for that. I hoped you could help us out. If Harry was taken by someone- I've already sent Liam to get another friend of ours to help get him back. I would never forgive myself if something bad had happened to Harry." He hid his face in his hands again. Perrie almost felt sorry for him as he was definitely not handling it well.

“You really love him, don’t you,” she whispered as realisation hit her.

“I, I do. I most definitely do,” Louis looked up to her to show the sincerity in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help you,” Zayn proclaimed, “Haz is also my best friend and no way in hell someone will hurt him. Show us the spot where his scent vanished, see if I can sniff where he went or where they took him.”

And they took off, following Louis. What they didn’t know was that while they were too busy panicking, a currently very confused blond boy had been awake the whole time, listing to their conversation. He hadn’t been able to make a lot out of it, but he did know that one of his best friends was in danger and his other best friend had been keeping a lot of him. He did what thought was the best and quietly got up, ready to sneak after the other lads. He couldn’t not make an effort to safe Harry even though he didn’t know the slightest what could have happened to him.

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