Chapter 5

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A.N: This chapter is very short, but the next part will be much longer, so I wanted to give you this already. 


Harry's POV 

Gotta run faster,’ he muttered anxiously, words barely hearable as the loud thumping of his heart and the noise of running burned in his ears.

He could almost feel its eyes burning holes in his back. its footsteps were silenced, but the boy knew for sure it was still behind him. It would never give up that easily.

Then his assumptions were  confirmed as the sound of its started to also pound in the human
’s ears, signifying that it was approaching quickly.Though everytime he turned his head, there was nothing to see but an endless path accompanied by thousands of the same pine trees. The full moon was burning brightly, only occasionly muffled by thin, wispy clouds.

His heart was beating in his chest, almost trying to find away out. The breaths were now almost right behind the boy, so he had to increase his pace immediately, if he wanted to survive this. Unfortunately, when he tried to order his legs to run faster, they wouldn’t obey. Instead, despite his begging, his lower limbs slowed even more down. It continued to the point that his feet felt so heavy that they couldn’t even be lifted anymore. As his legs turned to jelly, the boy knew he had lost. The creature would strike any second now.

Suddenly he lost all remainder control of his body and fell to the muddy ground. The human turned to his back so he could still see the sky, trying to get comforted by it, but the moon was now covered by thick clouds, blocking every light. The night had turned an even darker shade of black.

He could feel the presence of the creature standing next to him, making the boy close his eyes in fear. He had lost. He had lost and he was now at the mercy of this beast, whom couldn’t even be thought of as a human. It hasn’t got anything that even reeked of humanity left. It lost it already several years ago.

Opening his eyes again the boy came across a pair of piercing blue orbs, hovering in front of his eyes. After all this time he was still amazed by their beauty. The human’s rose lips formed a last little smile, before the darkness took over. As he was floating into unconsciousness, he ears caught one last thing.

You don’t know nothing yet, Harry. It’ll all become clear in the future, but you’re going to wish you had never known.’


Harry’s eyes spread wide open as he awoke from his recent nightmare, gasping for air because of the adrenaline that was still running through his veins.

It was only a dream, nothing but a dream, completely imaginary,’ he told himself, trying to steady his breathing with his hand placed on his chest. Harry closed his eyes for a couple of minutes until he could easily breathe in and out again.

Knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep again with the memory of his nightmare still fresh in his mind, Harry decided to fetch a glass of water from the bathroom. He got up as quietly as possible, barely even moving his sheets, so he wouldn’t wake the other lads up. When he was finally stood upright, he noticed that something wasn’t quite right.

The crescent moon –fortunately not full like in his dream –shone brightly in the room. It managed to illuminate the chamber enough so Harry could distinguish the different shapes.

Wait, hadn’t he closed the curtains before going to sleep? He checked for the second time and currently even noticed that the window stood wide open. A sudden gust of wind made him shiver from the cold as he was only wearing a pair of boxers. Harry shuffled forward to close the cause of the coolness, still wondering why it was open in the first place. Had Louis or Liam woken up before and opened the window for some air?

Harry turned around, looking if one of the boys was still awake. Thanks to the moonlight he could clearly see the beds. And they were, surprisingly, both empty.  Sheets had been thrown hastily to the sides, revealing the empty mattressess.

It was now evident that it had been one of them who’d opened the window, but why would they? After checking the bathroom –no one was in there– and the front door –still locked with the key still hanging next to it– Harry began to wonder if they’d jumped out of it. But why would two lads jump out of a window? It didn’t make any sense at all, so he almost immediately dropped that foolish thought.

Harry left a confused sigh, deciding to drop it and just ask the boys themselves in the morning. After standing in the chilly air in nothing but his underwear, he craved for the warmth of his duvet again. His glass of water completely forgotten, he put his I-pod on and managed to fall asleep again with ‘The Temper Trap’ blasting into his ears. His sleep was dreamless this time.

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