Chapter 23

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It was in this moment that Harry suddenly, suddenly knew that he was utterly, one hundred percent happy. There was no other place in the world he currently wanted to be. No other person he wanted to lie next to. So, yeah, at that moment he was Happy with capital H.

It was just a normal tuesday night. The two of them had asked Liam to kindly 'fuck off' so Harry and Louis could have some time on their own, doing nothing but kissing, talking, kissing, listening to music, kissing, cuddling and, oh had he mentioned kissing yet?

They ended up lying on Harry's bed, legs tangled and the boy's head resting on the Louis' chest, arm thrown over his back. There was almost no spot left where their bodies weren't touching. Clothes absently shattered on the floor.

Harry's lips were swollen red from the endless amount of kissing, but he still extended to press a soft kiss on the vampire's neck, taking in his saccharine scent. Hmm, he smelled absolutely wonderful.

Louis responded by turning them around so he ended on top of the boy, holding himself easily up with his arms to not hurt Harry.

"Don't tease me," he breathed before bending over to press his mouth to Harry's again, instantly letting his tongue poke through to lick inside. He then took the other's wrists and pinned them over his head.

The boy immediatly responded eventhough his lips were already raw from all previous times. His arousal couldn't help but grow even more, especially because Louis was dominating him in this way. His cock already thickening in his boxers.

(Harry secretely hoped that Louis wouldn't notice, but knew that his hope was futile with Louis' vampire senses. Damn him.)

He let his tongue slide over Louis' teeth until he reached his fangs, letting the vampire retreat again with a sigh.

At times like this Harry could easily forget Louis' condition, but the fangs were always there to remind him, to tell him that maybe this wasn't a usual, normal, maybe even healthy relationship. Oh well, Harry was going to enjoy every minute of it. Normal or not. He was young and wanted Louis, no matter what others thought of him.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked innocently eventhough he perfectly knew why Louis had pulled back.

Louis gave him a look, "Don't tempt me so much, Curly. I'm strong, but not that strong that I wouldn't give in to bite you if you keep playing with my fangs," he gave a peck on his cheek and repeated, "It's just too tempting and I don't want do something I'll regret. I just don't wanna do that to you."

What Louis didn't know of course was that Harry had been having sexual daydreams involving his fangs already. Or, more what they could do to him. Eventhough it was probably a little bit enbarrassing, he couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel when the vampire would pierce his skin to taste his sweet blood.

Harry pulled him closer by his neck, "You see," whispered seductively, or well he tried to, "I don't think I would mind that much."

As realization struck him, the vampire instantly shot back, confusion and astonishement on his face. He then shook his head, "You don't know what you're asking."

"I think I do."

"No you don't, Curly," Louis responded with fierce, "You have clearly too much faith in me. With your blood I don't think- I mean I promised to- It just wouldn't be right!"

A finger pushed to his lips, asking him to shut up.

"But I do!" Harry spoke up, defiance dominating his voice, "You wouldn't hurt me. Haven't you said yourself that it's a very pleasant experience? That it's often done during sex? And I think, no I know, that you'd definitely be in control of yourself. You've lived for more than three hundred years and you are used to taking small amounts of blood. Besides you've just fed the day before yesterday, so you want drain me out of starvation. And..." he added with a small smile, "I don't think you'd be able to hurt me, you like me too much."

In A Heartbeat - Larry Stylinson [complete]Where stories live. Discover now