Chapter 60 - Hatin' On Our L❤️VE

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Tinashe's POV:

"Hey Kelly, wassup?" the cute voice on the line says; it doesnt sound like it belongs to a girl, nor does it sound like it belongs to a guy.

"Is Beyonce with you?" I ask, hoping she isnt.

"No. But I can get her to call you back."

"No, it's fine. It's you I need to talk to."

"Why? Is everything ok?"

I pretend to cry, "of course not! Dont you know? Beyonce's ex fiance committed suicide! He was a good friend of mine, he was like family!"

"Yeah, she told me he's dead. I didnt know it was suicide tho. Sorry for your loss, I really am."

I continue to cry, "his funeral is in six days and I wanna invite both you and Beyonce because, let's be real, we all know it was murder by heartbreak - y'all killed that innocent, God-fearing young man with the love you have for eachother..."

"Heyyy, dont be like that, that's not_"

"...and I think it would be appropriate if you both showed up to pay him some respect. Or atleast to show everybody that you're sorry, and not selfish."

"I dont mind attending the funeral whatsoever. But let's not blame anyone for his own decision to end his life."

"Just be there. Please? With Beyonce. It would mean so much to me."

She sighs, "yeah, sure."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me. Besides, I owe you, remember? You got me my car back."

Confused as fuck, I reply "exactly."

"Aite, I'ma pass the message on to Beyonce. Bye."

"Wait! Um, what are you guys up to? I'm just curious as to what Beyonce's doing with her life while we're all here mourning and shit."

"I got some exciting news actually, um, we flying out to Paris tonight coz we got our first video shoot there tomorrow. Also, Beyonce finally gets to sign her $2 million deal with us. But dont get it twisted, she is hurting. She's just learned to be tough, and no matter how much shit the devil tries to throw at her, God keeps blocking it away with his blessings. That's right, your girl's bout to be all over MTV."

2 million???!!!😳

I'm green with envy, "Paris? How fucking awesome. You know, her little cousin Tinashe has always wanted to go to Paris. I cant believe Beyonce didnt say anything! She should fly her out!"

"Well, that's between Beyonce and her cousin. I got no say in that. But look, I'ma let her know we attending the funeral, ok? I gotta go now. Take care."

The dyke hangs up on me and leaves me fuming with hate and jealousy😡.

Fucking gay bitches! See y'all at Jesse's little party🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫



"That was Beyonce's friend" I tell Aaliyah, who's looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

"What does she want? The D?"

I laugh, "yup! Bitch wants her some MJ loving. Naw I'm messing. She, uh, she's invited both me and Beyonce to dude's funeral."

"You mean, she's invited you. Coz I'm sure Beyonce was gonna be there anyway, right?"

I shrug, "maybe. But shit, now I gotta go talk to her and I dont even feel like it."

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