Chapter 8 - A Taste Of Heaven

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Later that night - MJ's POV:

I hope she likes surprises😏

Beyonce's POV:

Am I really doing this?

I'm packing all my fave clothes and important belongings in case I decide to never return. To be honest, I think I've lost my mind. I dont really know what's happening to me; instead of being scared right now, I'm thinking about how much my life is going to change and funnily enough, how much I miss MJ. I feel like we have a special bond. Yeah, I know. It's weird. But I've never had someone promise to take care of me before, not even Chris. I cant wait to get to the penthouse suite and see her again and most of all, I cant wait to begin my fabulous new life and music career! Wait, someone's just texted me; it's a number I dont recognize:

I'm outside by da liquor store. It's an ice-blue Honda. Xx

I exit my room and carefully walk down the stairs and cross the hallway on my tippy toes; as I pull the front door open and step outside the house, I breathe a deep sigh of relief "thank you, Jesus."


I lick my lips in anticipation when I see Beyonce in the distance, heading towards me. She's changed clothes since I last saw her and she appears to have no make-up on this time, making her look every bit the 'wifey material' that I've been searching for, the typa chic you can take home to mama. I just hope she aint still mad about earlier...

Beyonce's POV:

As I walk up to the liquor store, I finally notice the ice-blue car as described in the text; I also notice that there's a guy standing beside it with his hands in his pockets, looking straight ahead at me. The chauffeur? It's so dark, I can hardly see. I walk further up and get a nice surprise.


I smile in delight at the sight of her; she's eyeing me up and down with big shy eyes, her lips pressed together like she's nervous. Perfection. I'm sure it's a sin to look this perfect.

"Wow. I'm surprised" I say, still smiling from ear to ear "so you're Joseph's chauffeur?"

MJ laughs softly, "even better. I'm Joseph himself."

"Explain?" I lick my lips, intrigued by her response.

"I used his phone to text you" she smiles then winks at me.

My mouth drops open and I quickly cover it with my hand "you think you're slick! Oh my God."

"I am" MJ smirks, taking her hands out her pockets "you're the one who thought you was slick, leaving me in the car to go talk to your boyfriend."

I feel my cheeks turn pink from embarrassment and look away, "please dont remind me. I'm sorry for the way I behaved."

"So you should be" MJ observes.

I feel like hiding so I cover my eyes with my hand "can we forget it happened?"

"Just messing with you. Here, let me help you with that" she steps forward and grabs the suitcase from my hand.

"I see you got your whole life in here" she jokes at how heavy it is, "did you remember to bring your teddybear, Beyonce?"

I giggle as she puts the suitcase in the trunk "as a matter of fact, I did."

"And your blankie? Milk bottle, diapers and shit?"

"I'm not a baby, you know!" I laugh, hitting her on the arm "Ok yeah I have a teddy. But that's it, I swear."

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