Chapter 21 - Down 4 The Ride

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"The lateness is epic" I say to myself as I start driving; Aaliyah's in the seat next to me telling us about her threesome, Nicki's in the back smiling in different languages (someone's happy, I wonder why) and Beyonce's sitting next to her, as quiet as a mouse.

"....then she twisted herself into a pretzel shape! I swear I started speaking in tongues, yo" Aaliyah laughs.

"Naw, you just started kissing yourself, you be feelin yourself like that" I giggle, steering the wheel.

"You already know!" Aaliyah laughs, "I stay feelin myself more than any bitch."

"We dont luh these hoes, bruh" I shake my head; I gotta say this in order to convince myself that I'm not falling for Beyonce.

"Can we stop and get some snacks?" Nicki requests, smiling in Japanese.

You must be high off my fingers.

"We aint got time" I snap, "they got refreshments at the studio anyway" I look up at the rear-view mirror and see Beyonce looking back at me intensely, "Beyonce, you hungry?"

"Oh so you gonna stop for her but not me?" Nicki's too fast.

"I aint say that tho! I just asked her."

"Whatever, MJ."

"You two are like a married couple" Beyonce speaks for the first time since walking into the dining room, earlier.

I just know she wants me to think that she suspects something; if she does, I hope to GOD she's jealous.

"Me and Aaliyah argue a lot more" I reply, automatically.

"Yeah, over basketball scores and other dumb shit like who's got more game with girls" Aaliyah adds.

"That's just bromance, tho" Nicki explains to Beyonce, "but me and MJ are definitely like a married couple...."


"....we be arguing over nothing, it's so funny."

I look up at the mirror again and try to read Beyonce's facial expression but she's looking out the window, I cant really see.

Beyonce's POV:

"Is this place, like, far?" I change the subject, feeling some type of way; this 'putting my feelings aside' thing isnt going to work, is it? I just hope that when Chris comes to visit later, he'll remind me why he's my man and why I love him. Because I do love him, I just cant remember why. But I do.

Do I????

"We're five minutes away" MJ replies, speeding up the car; I was so angry at her earlier for calling me a dyke but I've calmed down now, I know what I gotta do - I'ma get her back😉

"I cant wait! Ty Hunter is like the dopest stylist out right now" Nicki expresses, holding her phone up to take a selfie.

"So we bout to look even more fly than we already do. Hehehe" Aaliyah throws her head in Nicki's direction.

MJ's phone rings and she answers it, "yo."

I look at her, turning my attention away from the window; I watch her body language and note how sexy her side profile is. Gosh.

"....hey, crazy. How was your shoot?...."


"....dope shit. You still need me to get you a new phone?...."

Yep, it's Ri the retard.

"....oh, ok....shiiiid, I forgot you had my number tatted on your wrist...."

What a weirdo!😳

" where you at?....oh word? Aight, well, we're like two minutes away now. Has the photographer arrived?...."

Ugh why I gotta see that bitch again! *sigh*

"Is Rihanna at the studio?" Nicki asks, her voice all panicky; it's like we both feel exactly the same about her.

"...aight I'll see you there" MJ gets off the phone, "yuuuppp."

Nicki's POV:

Is it possible to roll your eyes in your thoughts? Because I can def feel myself doing it right now.

"Everybody out!" MJ orders.

(A/N Nicki rolls her eyes in her thoughts)

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