Chapter 20 - Secretz

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Nicki's POV:

"Watchu lookin so sad for, M-Jizzy?" I say when MJ walks into the dining room with her fine ass.

"Nuthin" she sits down opposite me at the table and picks some grapes from the fruit platter, "we're late. My mom's at the studio waiting on us."

"Aw, I love Katherine" I smile, "well, Aaliyah's in the shower. Is Beyonce up?"

She lets out a weak chuckle, "so you know her name."

I giggle, "is she?"

"Yeah, she should be out any minute, she's just getting dolled up" she pops a grape in her mouth and looks down at the table, shyly.

"You think she's hotter than me, dont you?" sometimes I just never know what will shoot out my mouth next.

MJ doesnt even look up, "well, obviously she's an attractive gir_"

"We're both attractive! What I wanna know is," I lean in and try my best to whisper, "can you see her being your fuck buddy? Instead of me?"

MJ looks at me and sighs, "are we really having this conversation?"

"Hell yeah. I wanna know coz I just dont feel special to you anymore."

"What was ever special about being the side-piece tho?" MJ knows she's rude; unfortunately, she also knows she's fine as hell.

I gasp in disbelief, "we gotta fuck. Like now."

She laughs, "why? Did the word 'side-piece' make you wet?"

"No, coz I deserve a treat. You made me cry last night by disrespecting me, yet here you are being disrespectful again. You gotta make it up to me, MJ."

"Man, I aint gotta do nuthin" she growls; why she gotta be smiling like that tho? Damn.

I know what she wants to hear, "MJ, you know it's been a while. Kitty misses you. Everytime she thinks about you going inside her, she starts crying."

"Crying?" MJ looks thirsty as fuck. Ha!

"Yes. Kitty throws a tantrum and starts crying, the tears leak all down her legs and she gets all wet and_"

"What you wearing?" she refers to my bottom half; she can only see the top half because I'm sitting down.

I flash her my biggest smile, dimples and all, "a short, flared skirt. It's like a tutu. It's perfect."


just like that💁

Beyonce's POV:

My heart and my soul

On a piece of paper

I kiss you and go

Like Judas, the traitor

Afraid of what I feel

It scares me, it kills

How can I be lovesick when you're the perfect pill?

No alcohol, no weed

Your kiss is all I need.

Yonce x Applehead 💋

After marking it with my lipstick, I look down at the piece of paper, examining each word. It's like I blacked out for a moment and didnt realize I took a pen and started jotting down my core feelings. I write poems all the time, but this one is special; it's like it wrote itself - I'm surprised by the intensity of it. I close my eyes momentarily and take a deep breath; I snatch the paper off the dressing table, scrunch it up into a ball and toss it in the empty trash can.

I know what's in my heart, but I'm going to use my head. I'm going to do what I know is right and what I believe to be righteous. Mind over matter.


Nicki throws her head back as she slides up and down my fingers, her hands behind on the edge of the table, for support, "mmmm yeah....fuck yeah!"

"I'll never do this again if you act up" I tell her, meaning every word, "so bitch, dont fucking act up."

"I wont" Nicki moans, "mmmm....I'ma be good."

"You better be! I wanna keep you as my dirty secret, you nasty little slut."

"Ooooh you know I love it when you talk like that! Mmmm yeah."

"You feel me?"

"Oooh yeah, I feel you" she looks down at my hand, "I feel the power in your fingers, fuck yeah."

"what's my name?" I add a third finger.


"No, my full name" I add one more and shove harder.

"Fuck! Mmmmm."

"Say it, bitch!"

"Michaela....oooh Josephine....Jackson mmm."

"Say you wont get jealous when you see me with Rihanna..."

She pants between words, "I'll. Try. Not. To. I. Hate. That. Fucking. Bitch."

"...or any other bitch that's on my dick."

Her legs start shaking like jelly, "I'm. Bout. To...."

I increase my speed and kitty bursts into tears; kitty 'cries' all down my hand, "ooooooohhhhhh FUCK!"

I spank kitty for being such a juicy spoilt brat, "now get the fuck off me."

Beyonce's POV:

I put on my 'I-mean-business' face and walk out of the bedroom, confident in my ability to put my feelings aside and focus on what's important - my dreams, and my religious values.

As I approach the dining room, I hear Nicki's annoying voice giggling; I enter the room and see her standing right beside MJ, wiping the inside of her thighs with a handful of tissue paper; we lock eyes and she stops and quickly adjusts her skirt; MJ is sat down at the table and has her back to me, but I can see she's looking up at Nicki's skirt; oh yes, believe me, this really is happening and it really does look as suspicious as it sounds; and I dont know what it is about the room, but it's just something in the air - it smells funny.

"morning, honey Bey!" Nicki screeches, smiling like we're best friends; MJ's head spins around and she looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"Where's Aaliyah?" I ask no-one in particular, but my eyes are fixated on MJ; her big eyes are still looking back like she's seen a ghost.

"Here I isssss" Aaliyah creeps up behind me, "are we all ready? Sorry I took long to stop dreaming."

"Uh, yeah, let me just wash my hands real quick" MJ rises from her seat, her eyes still locked with mine; is she serious? did she really just say that while looking at me? Like, does she want me to know something happened? Ugh.

"🎶Gotta keep it, gotta keep it, gotta keep it on da low🎶" Nicki sings, grabbing her handbag from the table; MJ shoots her a look, as she washes her hands in the sink. I'm not stupid, I know what I'm observing......what's this sudden pain in my chest? Oh, yeah, that's right - a pang of jealousy.

Here we go again....😐

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