Chapter 35 - Sit On This Emotional Rollercoaster

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"I dont fucking get you, MJ!" Beyonce snaps, punching my arm off her stomach, "how can you say you missed me when you obviously forgot all about me!"

I stroke her hair, "that's not true. There were times I wanted to holla. Many times, actually."

"Yeah but you fucking didnt, did you?"

I was scared of rejection🙈

I stop stroking her hair and sigh; it's time to let her know just how twisted I am; "no, I didnt holla. Instead, I went and got 'Yonce' tattooed on the inside of my bottom lip."

"Wh-what?" she stutters; I cant see her face coz she has her back to me but I can just imagine the look on it - she's freaked out.

I casually explain, trying to make it sound as normal as possible, "yeah, I wanted your name in my mouth coz I knew I'd never kiss anyone else the way I kissed you..."

"I'm lost for words" she clears her throat, "wow."

"...on your lips," I add, "and on that pretty pussy."

"MJ," she looks over her shoulder with teary eyes, "you''re weird. I mean, here you are with my name on you, cooking dinner and stuff, and was so cold, ignoring my messages. I never heard from you again. It's like....two different people. I'm confused."

"I'm not weird, I'm just different. I'm not like anyone else out there. I'm special. And I feel like you're my perfect match. I think you're special too."

"Can I..." she looks down at my bottom lip, "can I see it?"

I pull my lip down and show her, "see?"

She gasps, "that looks painful!"

I raise my pinky finger to her face, "you had me pinky-swearing and shit, so I got Applehead on it coz you called me that for some reason."

"Because when I first saw you the first thing I noticed was your head - your face, your hair..." she tries to blink away her dripping tears, "and 'apple' because once I learned that you're a girl, you became my forbidden fruit. You know, like Eve in the garden with the apple."

I smile, "that's mad cute."

She sighs, "daddy has always taught me that homosexuality is an abomination and that I should stay away from it....but I didnt. Just like Eve, I picked the apple from the tree..." tears stream down her face and she quickly turns her head back around, "like a fucking fool!"

"Hey! Heyyy..." I put my arm around her as she sobs quietly, "I know I messed up, I know I did. But truth is...I didnt like feeling so vulnerable. You made me weak. I had all these new feelings, and they scared me. On top of this, your dad said some shit to me about my dad that...that stirred up some really uncomfortable feelings from deep inside me. That's why I seemed out of character that day I said goodbye."

"You said 'take care'. I remember every little detail, like it happened a second ago" she sniffles, "I have many names for that day - the day my life ended, doomsday, end of days, jacuzzi of death..."

"Jacuzzi of pleasure" I correct her, "unless you're referring to the fact that I murdered your pussy with my tongue, then yeah, ok."

"I've had better, by the way" she says, lying through her teeth; nobody fucking eats it like I do and she fucking knows it.

The fuck you lying for?😒

"Oh yeah? From who? Your fiancé?"


"Is that a yes or a no?"

"I thought the interview was over."

"Naw, you just said you've had better than MJ" I laugh softly, "I need to know who this fictional legend is, since you and I both know it dont get no better than me! Or do you need reminding?"

She twists her neck to look seductively into my eyes, "cocky, much?"

"Naw, I'm just real. Unlike you, always tryna play some typa game to hide how you really feel. Deal with your emotions!"

"I can say the same about you! Mr 'I was vulnerable, I was scared of my feelings'! Scared for a whole damn year? That's some weak shit! Pussy ass nigga!"

"If that's how you see me," I snigger, "then please, allow me to show you who I really am.....let me fuck you."

"NO!" she turns her head away, "you'll never hit this in your life. EVER!"

I lick my lips, "you still a virgin?"

"That's between me and my fiancé" she replies in a sexy tone; Beyonce plays too much, it drives me crazy! I hate it but daammn it makes me want her more!

"Guess I'll just have to find out for myself" I say, guiding my lips to her neck; she moans as soon as my tongue hits the side of her neck with a long, slow lick up to her ear.

"MJ, no" she moans sexily as she tries to push me off; the contradiction is immense, ", I mean, no!" She stops pushing me and sighs; she knows she has no choice but to give in, "damn, I'm so mad at myself. I'm letting you win."

"Because you want this too. Dont fight it. We can both win" I continue making out with her ear, licking around and inside it while gently blowing on it; I switch it up by adding an occasional whisper, "you're mine. Do you understand?"

"I'm not, I belong to my fiancé. I'm engaged" she scoffs; funny how she's still letting me have my way; with my mouth still on her ear and one arm around her, I pull her hair mercilessly for being such a bitch; her head jerks backwards, "OW!"

As I pull her hair and kiss her neck and ear, I move my arm from her stomach to her chest and grab her nearest breast; her erect nipples are poking through her t-shirt, begging me to tweak them with my fingers; I tweak them hard and Beyonce moans like she's my bitch; she's not wearing a bra underneath the t-shirt and I know she's loving how I'm teasing her like this! I breathe softly into her ear, "you wanna know what I've long fantasized about doing to you?"

"Let me guess," with her head still in an awkward position, she reaches behind for my hip and pulls me closer to her, deepening the pressure as she rolls her ass around my bulging strap-on dick; I poke her with it as she pokes out her ass and our bodies slam into eachother like I'm hitting it from the back, "you wanna fuck me with your hard dick?"

Woah! I hope you aint lost your virginity!😟

I quickly put a hand up her t-shirt, move her panties to the side and try to stick a finger in; I'm denied entry, thank God, "just checking."

She's gasping like I'm already in her pussy, I'm sure she's been waiting all year for me to reappear and put it down; she closes her eyes and licks her lips like they're tasty, "mmm I want you to do it, baby, fuck me already!"

Aww shitttt I'm leaking, you so damn sexy!

"You're right, I wanna damage your insides with this lawng dick. And I will, but first," I let go of her hair and rest my back on the bed, "come sit on my face."

In case you need me to remind you who the king is...

(A/N pls vote if you want more! Ur comments and votes are encouraging! Let me know ur fave part, fave line, what you think should happen! Ur opinion matters❤️)

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