Chapter 33 - You'll Always Be My Baby

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"I'm your biggest fan, MJ, I like all your pics on instagram!", "you're so cuuuute!", "can I get a picture?", "you dance just like Michael!", "oh my God, I love your music!", "thank you so much!"

"You're welcome" I say, as I sign another autograph inside a circle of excited females; the other baddies are somewhere doing their own thing; after being interviewed a few times, we kinda just lost eachother in the jungle of wild fans.

"Can I have your number, please?" a very brave girl smiles in my face.

I look away and giggle, "no."

Bitch, you crazy.

"PLEASE!!!" she screams over everybody elses voice.

I ignore her and take a few pictures with some of the less crazier girls then try to break out of the suffocating circle but it closes in on me and I drown in a sea of desperate pussy - I'm fucking scared, yo.

"Can I have your number?", "do you have a girlfriend?", "can I be in your next video?", "do you use strap-ons?"

I look over their heads for my mom; I feel like a little bitch for freaking out but these hoes are touching my hair, blowing on my ear, squeezing my butt and touching the sides of my face - I hate being touched with a passion! Especially without an invitation, "MOM!!!"

"Give me your number and I'll let go of your hair" that crazy bitch says to me.

I'm bout to beat the thirst out of you if you dont let go of my hair😡

"LIYAH!!!" I shout above their heads; I'm taller than most of the girls and I cant see my team anywhere; if I survive this, I'm gonna need a bodyguard - I cant believe shit is THIS serious already!

Kelly's POV:

"Beyonce, throw that bottle away now!" I snap, disgusted at how much Beyonce is stumbling and slurring as she speaks, "you're drunk!"

"You know whyyy I'm drunkkk?" she slurs, slightly rocking back and forth, "I've realizzzed," she looks around at the crowd and her voice goes an octave higher, "I'm not actually a lesssbian coz none of these girlsss are attractive to me. I've looked and looked. Nothing! I guess I dont like girlsss, I just like her."

"Give me the bottle!" I snatch it out of her hand and throw it on the ground.

"You seeeee? I'm fucked!" she laughs like a psycho, "I dont even know what that makes me! What am I? I dont like any other girl, and I dont like boys enough to wanna get intimate with them....I must be an emjayian."

"What the fuck is she talking about?" Taylor scoffs, "damn, Beyonce, you're such a light weight!"

"Hey, what's going on over there?" Britney points to a crowd of screaming female fans, "it must be a celebrity."

I follow her gaze and see MJ and Aaliyah of Bad Gyal Four looking distressed and trying to push away some of the crowd; girls are literally jumping on them.

Oh my God! It's them😱

"Yaaay! Time for that interview!" Taylor looks at Beyonce, "you good to go?"

"She cant go to them yet!" I snap, "Beyonce, please, compose yourself."

We all watch as four security guards get involved and break up the commotion like it's a fight.

Beyonce sounds like a hot ass mess, "that's nottt fair! The party'sss over and I wanna jump on her tooooo!"

I shoot her a scared look, "no, Beyonce, dont do anything crazy."

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