Chapter 72 - Midnight Breakdown

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Beyonce's POV:

"Ok, ok, I get it. Stop the madness" I mumble to myself as I watch the same message from MJ pop up on my phone screen, second after second.

"Damn, somebody blowin' you up" Yazz laughs, handing me the glass of Moët as he climbs back onto the bed.

"Somebody is just really crazy" I reply, shaking my head as I continue to observe MJ's madness.

Doesnt she understand that we need to learn to detach from eachother? Why wont she just give me the space I need so I can heal?😔

Yazz says something but I dont hear it coz I'm busy responding to MJ; I send her the meanest message I can think of so she'll leave me alone:

Too bad coz I dont miss u

The identical messages popping up on my screen automatically change to:










I breathe a deep sigh of frustration and slam my phone down onto the bed as the beeping continues.

"Why dont you just switch it off?" Yazz suggests, gently stroking the side of my face with the back of his hand.

"You dont understand" I roll my eyes up to the ceiling, "even if I switch it off, the person still wont get the message. I need to show them proof that I'm over them..."

"But are you?"

I ignore him, "...I need to show them I'm having a good ass time."

"How about a sex tape?" he smirks.

Boy, if you dont getcho...😒

"I got an idea" I pick up my phone (which is still beeping, btw) and set it on camera mode, "I'll take a pic of that bottle of Moët and post it on my instagram with the caption 'a night to remember forever'. Haha!"

"You can have that kinda night, if you let me set the mood" Yazz starts nibbling on my neck again; I'm too busy taking snaps of the bottle of champagne to care what he's doing; I take enough pictures to pick a favorite but as I go back to check them, I swipe too far to the left and see the pictures I took with MJ at the Eiffel Tower.

Oh my God😢

I switch my phone off immediately and slide off the bed with my glass of champagne, "sorry, I gotta go."


Nicki's POV:

"Should we do this in private?" Trey whispers in my ear, licking it up and down as he fingers my pussy from behind me; he's so good at this, you'd think he was a lesbian.

"Uh-uh" I breathe, spreading my legs wider for him and letting my dress rise up to my hips, "I like how they can all see what you're doing to me. Dont stop."

I watch Beyonce walk back into the room with that Resting Bitch Face of hers and my pussy starts throbbing; I want her to come over here so me and Trey can bless her with her first threesome, but she's standing further away from everyone like something's wrong.

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