Chapter 18 - Beautifully Scary

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Beyonce's POV:

So here I am, standing outside the penthouse. Suitcase in my hand. Tears on my face. 5:56 on my watch.*sigh* I wish I was asleep back home so I could wake up and realize that coming here was all just one big nightmare. I would get up at 7:30am today, get myself ready for college just to spend excessive hours inside the unpopular newsroom and work on the boring newspaper with my lazy co-editors👎

Do I really wanna go back to my old life?


I'm not sure if my heart is broken or if my ego just got shattered in a billion pieces but DAMNNN! I've never had a girl treat me like this before - like I'm just ANY nigga. Did she lead me on? Is she playing a game? Is she just confused with her sexuality? I need to know. I do feel like going after her but this would be the second time, and that's just not my style. I showed her I care. I passionately kissed her and I dont even like doing all that lovey dovey shit. It's crazy - I've never been one to feel this typa way, but Beyonce got me sitting here in my feelings.....what is she tryna do to me?💔

Nicki's POV:


Aaliyah's POV:

That was the best threesome EVER! Nicki and MJ missed out on this one, they could've helped me fuck the hoeness out of Iggy and Ciara; not that I needed any help tho! Y'all know I got thissssss hahahaaaaaaa I fucked shit up! Nicki had a bit of fun with Ciara but I wasnt watching, I was busy strapping Iggy. Later, Ciara joined us on my bed because Nicki fell asleep. And that's when the real shit went down....Ooooooh I cant WAIT to tell MJ all about it.😎

Beyonce's POV:

Wait, who's texting me at this time? I hope it's not MJ, I just want her to leave me alone. Let me check....Oh my God, what if it's daddy? What if he went and checked my room? What if he knows?

God, please dont let it be daddy.

*checks phone* - it's Joseph:

BG4 update! Photoshoot today at 11am with stylist Ty Hunter, then we're all going to support the boys at their concert later at 7pm. Use the spare time to vibe together vocally and work on your harmonies. Welcome to the team, Beyonce! - the bo$$

I think I better get my ass back in that suite.


Hmm. A text at this time in the morning. Gotta be dad. As much as I wish I could look at my phone and see Beyonce's name, I know it's dad with one of his updates. Let's see:

BG4 update! Photoshoot today at 11am with stylist Ty Hunter....

Man, I aint got the energy to explain to dad that Beyonce aint with us no more. Fuck it. I'm sleeping.

Nicki's POV:

ZZzzzzzzzzzz....... 😴

Aaliyah's POV:

Just received a text from Joe. I'm mad as shit we gotta be at the shoot for 11 and I aint even slept yet! Since the threesome, I been up in bed smoking a blunt and having a conversation with insomnia. Welp, I guess it's time to rest my head on Iggy's tig ol' bitties.

Beyonce's POV:

I feel so stupid.

Lucky for me, when I walked out, the door didnt close all the way so I can just walk in and act like I never left. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I enter.

Dont be scared. You're here because you love to sing and it's your time to shine. The lord has blessed you with this opportunity so take it. Now go back in, forget what happened with MJ and focus on your dreams. Forget MJ! It was just a mistake. It's not your fault it happened, you're only human, so forgive yourself. And for God's sake, please, just forget about what happened between you and MJ!

I dont know where those words of encouragement came from but it's exactly what I need to hear as I nervously walk back into the suite and make my way back inside the bedroom.



(A/N that was the longest sunday wasnt it? LOL! Dont forget to vote)

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