Chapter 24 - Righteousness Not Ratchetness!

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It's 4pm and we're back at the penthouse. Aaliyah, Nicki and Rihanna are in our outdoor jacuzzi and they got four bottles of champagne in an ice-bucket on the side panel, thanks to room service; the four of us ordered six but we put two in the fridge in case we need it later; Beyonce went straight to the bedroom when we got here; I followed her 5 minutes later to get changed into my swimming trunks and she walked right out. *sigh* I dont know why she's being so dramatic, it's starting to get under my skin. Anyway, I'm still here in the bedroom getting ready to join the others in the jacuzzi.

Beyonce's POV:

*Knock! Knock!*

I jump up from the couch, excited to let Chris into the suite; he texted me 10 minutes ago, saying he was in the area.


I open the door and see Miley Cyrus, a socialite stripper who's only famous because she mingles with celebrities; she's best known for her relationship with Michael from PBA.

"Oh heyyyyy" I say, taken by surprise; I've been so caught up in my thoughts of making MJ jealous by flirting with Chris that I completely forgot I'm about to meet one of the biggest stars in the world right now.

"Hey, gurl! I dont know you but I fucking love you, you're fabulous!" Miley squeals, eyeing me up.

A strange looking man in dark shades appears behind her; he has a fake beard and moustache and is wearing a baseball cap, "let us in, let us in!"

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say, stepping aside to let them in; they walk in and head straight to where Nicki, Aaliyah and Rihanna are making all that noise; I know it's Michael from PBA in disguise but for some reason I'm not as excited as I thought I would be. To be totally honest, I almost feel nothing. Hmmmm....strange. Very strange.


I walk into the front room in my sports bra and swimming trunks and see Beyonce on the couch with her legs crossed, staring into space and tapping her fingers incessantly on her knee; I want her to notice my 8-pack abs, I dont think she was paying attention this morning when I was getting dressed.

"Sup" I say, feeling mad confident, "you gone join us in the tub or nah?"

Beyonce does a double take at my stomach but pretends as if she's just casually looking around the room.

I know you see alla thisssss

"Your brother and his girl are here" she says, in that new 'mean girl' tone she's adopted.

"Oh! Where? They in the jacuzzi already?"

Beyonce shrugs and whips her ponytail as she turns her head to the door; she looks anxious, like she's waiting for something; Just when I'm about to ask if her man is still coming, there's a knock at the door.

Beyonce springs to her feet, "I'll get that!" I watch as she pulls the door open and throws her arms around the person at the door, "baybeeeeeee! Oh my God I MISSED you!" she steps aside, "come in, dont be shy."

I see the nigga and he sees me; he doesnt step inside though, "wass good" he says, his eyes shooting question marks at my androgyny; I throw my chin up to show him I've acknowledged him.

"Chris you aint gone come inside?" Beyonce asks, sounding like her original sweet self.

"No, um, I aint here to stay. Just wanted to tell you I dont wanna be with you anymore. I cant do it. I cant wait around. I'm not looking to get married anytime soon, I'm young. I need to get out there and, you know, just live. I wanted to tell it to your face coz I believe it's the right way. You're a beautiful girl with a beautiful can do better. I'm no good. Trust me."

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