Chapter 45 - Touch-You-I-Must

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Somebody must want a bullet in their eye tonight!😡😡😡😡😡😡!!!!!!!

"Not my car, man. No, not my car..." I drop the suitcases and put my hands behind my head, devastated by the sight of the empty space where my missing car should be.

"Great. You've lost your car and I've lost my dad" Beyonce says sarcastically in a hoarse voice, "guess we're equal."

"I know who did it. It's my friend," Kelly says, looking embarrassed, "I can get it back for you. Hold on."

I shoot her a pleading look like she's my saviour, "please, get it back, please. Now, now, now!"

Kelly dials a number on her phone then holds it to her ear, "heyyy, um, you gonna have to bring back that car you just stole. It belongs to..." she looks at me, "it belongs to my gurl's dad......yeah, I'm with them right now, he's fuming! You gotta bring it back......Kid, come, he's not gonna call the cops but if you dont bring it back then of course he will!" she sighs, "aight look, if you bring the car back in one piece right now, I'll let you hit this pussy tonight. How bout that?"

Well damn!😳

"....ok, we're waiting. See you."

"Is it your boyfriend or sumn?" I ask her once she puts the phone down.

"No, he just really likes me" Kelly blushes.

"Who's that? Future's friend?" Beyonce asks her, wiping her endless tears away.

"Uh-huh, Kid Ink. He cool peoples. He's on his way."

"So this nigga's bringing back my car just so he'll fuck you? That's not cool."

She laughs, "well he's been wanting to hit for a while. But no, I think the main reason he's bringing it back is the story I made up about the car being Bey's dad's. I dont think it would've worked if I'd said it belonged to some rich lesbian who has a famous brother."

I manage a smile even though I'm still anxious as fuck, "I think you're right. Thanks man."

"No problem" she flashes me one of the biggest smiles ever.

"How did he do it? Did he smash any windows? Did you see?" I panic.

"No, I dont think so coz he said he has this thing he uses to unlock the doors or sum shit like that. He keeps it on him at all times."

"Damn. He a serial car thief, huh?"

"I dont know. But that shit aint attractive to me. He's lost points" she laughs, "so uh, am I right to assume that you and my gworrl are together?"

Beyonce answers the question for me with a dead look on her face, "Kelly, why do you think I'm out here crying? Why do you think I said my dad dont love me no more?"

Kelly gasps, "oh my God, Bey, you came out to him!"

"Yeah and now I've lost him forever. He hates me" she bursts out crying.

I throw my arms around her but she pushes me away, "what you mad at me for? what the hell did I do?"

"MJ, just stop. Please. I....I'm not in the mood for that. Not now. I'm sorry."

"You're not in the mood for me to comfort you?"

"No, I'm not" she drops her face in her hands, "maybe later."

Moody bitch😔

"Aight" I shrug, turning my attention back to Kelly, "so how long is this nigga gonna be?"

"Some 5 minutes."


"Bey, should I go inside and bring the rest of your stuff out?" Kelly asks her.

"Yes, please."

"Ok" she walks into the house and closes the door behind her; the awkward silence between me and Beyonce is quite disturbing.

I hope she doesnt regret her decision to get married to me😟

"When Kelly's boy shows up in your car can you not pull out that gun again, please."

I slowly turn my head to the side to meet her eyes but she's not looking at me; she's looking down at the floor, sour-faced, "I will if I have to."

She looks up at me, "no you wont have to! He's bringing your car back! There's no need for all the extra drama! I've had enough for one day" she whimpers, "I cant take this anymore."

"Beyonce, all I wanna do right now is sit in my ride, take you home and make love to you. I just wanna see you happy again. I know this shit with your dad has sucked all the life out of you. So I'ma lay you down and suck it back into you" I lick my lips like I can already taste her on them, "you gone be my pacifier tonight."

"And what if I dont wanna have sex tonight?" she says, almost inaudibly.

The door flies open and Kelly walks out with one big suitcase, "I think I got everything. Here's the rest of your shoes and your handbags."

Beyonce takes it off her, "thanks, gworl."

"He still aint here?" Kelly asks me.

I sigh, troubled by my thoughts of how distant Beyonce seems emotionally, "um, no. Call him again."

"There he is now" Beyonce points to a beautiful black Bugatti pulling up across the street - my baby!!!😁🎉🎈

Beyonce's POV:

"There better not be a single scratch on it, I swear" MJ breathes in relief, picking up my suitcases.

"MJ, seriously. Let's just get in the car and go. Dont make a scene" I warn her as we head off together; Kelly follows us across the street and we all watch as Kid Ink gets out the car with a cheeky smile.

"Sup Beyonce, tell your pops it's in the same exact condition I found it in. Oh and tell him I got mad respect for him, that's why soon as I heard it's his, I had to return it."

"My dad doesnt even know who you are, it's ok I'll just tell him the thief returned the car."

MJ refuses to play along, "actually, it's my car."

Kid Ink moves right away from the car and eyes MJ up, "oh furreal?"

"Yes, furreal! And nigga you lucky as hell I dont wanna cause a scene right now coz if_"

"Emjaaayy!" I whine, "can we go?"

"Bey, oh my God, before you guys go, I gotta tell you about Tinashe, you're not gonna believe this!" Kelly gets all excited, "she_"

"Wait, is it gonna hurt me?" I protest with my hand up.


"Coz if it is, I dont wanna know. Not today, anyway. I've got a headache. I'll call you tomorrow and we'll talk."

"Oh. Ok. Make sure you do! Keep your phone switched on, dont get caught up in MJ's company again!"

Kelly can have a big mouth sometimes but I did need to hear that..... I dont wanna start neglecting my friends - I cant afford to lose anyone else over MJ; as MJ studies her car to make sure it's still spotless, dangerous thoughts come to mind:

I cant believe I've lost daddy😢 Is MJ even worth it? I've realized I dont know her well enough! How the hell did she get her hands on a gun? And is she really over Rihanna? Will I ever see her naked? Will I ever get to touch her? How do I even know I'm really a lesbian if I've never pleasured a female in the way that MJ pleasures me?😳 And what if I dont like it???😖.....well, there's only one way to find out. And if I cant get my way I'm calling off the marriage!

"It's perfect! Wow I cant believe it!" MJ smiles in disbelief at Kid Ink, "damn, you're good. I gotta say, I'm impressed. How'd you do it? What's your name?"

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