𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰.𝘳| 0.2

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❛❛  TORA!?! ❜❜

YELLED THE beauty in shock, her baby had grown up so fast! She rushes from around her counter and hugs the boy who already had his arms out─dying to get a hug from the girl. "Ohh my baby~!" She says in that sweetly-coated voice that always came out  sweet and soft like honey to the boy, and that tone was always for just him when he and his Enemies... came to visit his shop a few years ago. He had wrapped his hands around her waist, secure and firm like a gift freshly wrapped up for Christmas..though he was able to sneak a hand on her soft─plush behind, he loves the way it feels and eventually kneads it lie doe while the girl hugs him tightly with a few kisses to his chubby cheek.

When he felt you loosen your embrace he was quick to let go of his grip on the meat he massaged from behind. "I just can't believe it, you grew up so much! What about your other friends? Like that short one who had a lollipop - mm!-" Kazutora began to hug you a little tighter, much more to your discomfort because your chest was squeezing against his hard one and it hurt- like he was breaking your back. " Uhm- Tora..."you'd manage to say. "Never mention that bastard around me ever again, okay? - babe?" He purrs in your sensitive ear as you can feel his cool minty breath against your neck as you shiver much to his liking as his smile brightened. He then kisses your neck making you let out a small squeak of surprise. Of course you used to kiss him all over but for him to do it in even the slightest way was just.. baffling.

"B-but uh... Can you stop holding me so tight..? Your squishing my Tati's.." you try to say with the utmost seriousness. "Tati's...? Oh- I- sure my bad-" he says with a blush if realization and watches as they come for air like a person who is drowning but their head reaching the top until someone forced them down again.

Upon witnessing such a small moment, his vision was certainly heightened and focused on something because he wasn't looking up at you until you were finally off of him and then his head snapped up to look at you with that same smile with his head cocked to side as if he was confused which made you confused on why he was looking at you like a scary ugly cat. Like that really didn't look right to you but he was still a baby to you and was completely harmless. "Anyways, my big brother is here now, so I'll miss you.. call me tonight okay baby? Love you! Mwa~! Mwa~!" You gave him a kiss on the nose and his cheeks then pinch his cheeks before you left with the newly won plushy that he handed you. You were happy to tell your big brother and your little one so when you both came to pick him up tonight that you'd come to get him and show him the plushy that you had gotten.

After getting in the Mercedes you smile and show your older brother the plushy. "Awh, it's so cute. That guy in there gave you it?" He asked and you nodded happily holding it close to you as you sat back in your seat and waved out the window. "He was one of those babies that used to come to the same place I worked at when I was around 14 or 15 .. but yeah isn't it so cute Darien!?" You say with a smile and he chuckled. "Yes yes, it's very cute baby sister." He says patting your head as you hummed happily in your seat on the way to pick up J'amir.



HER EYES widened as she had walked down a set of stairs hold the railing as she had a pink bag hanging on her wrist and her newly won plushy in the other as she was chewing some pink bubblegum and she hears the noise coming from the left of where she was, it was quite a walk but it was a shrine? She walked past the red entrance of the shrine. "Sorry- my bad-" you say walking pass the confused little boys and you see a dude with yellow hair and you see.. "J'amir!" You say immediately, you were loud but what did that matter you needed your brother and now. "Big sis!" He says giving you a tight hug. " Look look! I wanted to show you this cute plushy that someone at the Cafe gave me! Isn't he so adorable?! " You squeak louder and show him the plushy and his eyes widened as if to convince you that he was interested. ", Aw. How sweet of her to do. " " Her?.. it was a boy! He had black hair and banana highlights it was at least as yellow as that guy's hair! " You say pointing to the boy with pee pee hair and blue eyes which made him shiver and look at you (especially your brother in fear.) confused though your attention wasn't on him.

"Hm.. wait a minute- " "Mikey!" Your brother shouted making you lift a brow as you started looking around. "Mikey?! Did you say Mikey!?! Where'd he go?" You say holding your brothers' shoulders and looking over him as he had a hand around your waist to keep you up there and looking for the dude who was quite literally right next to your brother but you couldn't see because you were looking everywhere but down. "Baby brother I think you might've lied to me... I can't see Mickey anywhere.." you say. "it's Mikey, and he's down here. " He says and helps you down and you were still looking up. " Is that Mickey? He got pretty tall. " You say pointing to the tall dude with... A dragon tattoo. "WAIT- 'MIR... IS THAT- KEN KEN?" You asked your brother and he nodded and your eyes sparkle. "Hii~! You've really grown up, and you still have that cute little tattoo." "Hm?.. weren't you just looking for Mikey?" He says looking at you. "Right here./Right there." Mikey and your brother said at the same time as he grabbed the sides of your face to make you look at him. " Oh Mickey mouse! " You squeak and start to squeeze the boy with all your affection he wraps his arms around you appropriately and only because your brother was watching the whole thing giving him a death stare.

" Hey Minnie mouse, how've you been?" He says in a sweet-talk voice which made you warm around him. As he pat your head.  "I'm doing amazing what about you two?" You say to them and of course they respond. "We're doing great. / I'm all pumped up!" Says Draken and Mikey as your smile widened. "Ah~! little bit you are so cute!!!" You fawn over Mikey and pinch his cheeks and give him a bunch of kisses and then turn to Draken. "EEK! ~ MY LITTLE SWEET PEA!!!! YOU WERE SUCH A SWEETIE!!!" You cried as you jump up and love on him as he held you up with support and wrapped an arm around you. "My lil sweetie pea you've gotten so big now! You're a big boy now!" You say pinching his cheeks as he hums with a smile himself and you started kissing him everywhere as he chuckled. "Stop stop- I'm pretty old for that now," he says with a flnd tone, putting a firm hand on your afro and you looked up at him and kiss him one more time before getting off. "Alright alright I'll get off you guys.." "not me (Name)-chin! I'll always still need your love! " Says Mikey and you squealed before kissing and hugging him tightly as the two in take your scent.

"Hey, you smell pretty good!" Mikey says. "Yeah, did you get bath & body works or something?" "Yeah! How'd you notice?" "Eh, I grew up around stuff like that." He says cooly and you hummed in amusement. "..Anyways- why were you here (N/n)?" "Oh yeah! Dari told me to come pick you up and he was gonna drop me off at practice and then you'd two would go home and then pick me up and go back home for dinner because Mama was gonna make some (f/f) I really can't wait till after practice though!" You say and your brother nodded with a fond smile and you gave Draken and Mikey a kiss before taking your brother and trying to be on your way.

"Hey, (Name)-chin!" You turn to look at Mikey. "Yeah?.. " " Could I get your number? " 'Mikey! You said that you'd ask for the both of us!'  Draken complains silently and you hand him your hot pink phone with a pink fluffy ball and a chain connected to it. "Alright, you can go now!" He chirps happily. "Hey wait, Ken ken, I wanna get yours too!" You show him your phone which had a lock screen of your family and you in the front doing poses. He smiled. "You'd have to open it first for me to put it in." He says as you scrambled to type in the password and get to the contacts/phone app and you show him it again and he brought out his phone too. It was black with white linings and a little scratched up. "I definitely need to buy you a new phone, when you're ready, you can send me your address and I'll pick you up and we can go phone shopping alright sweet pea?" You say and he nodded with a smile." Me too (Name)-chin me too!" Mikey chants and you nodded. " Alright, we seriously gotta go before big brother comes -"

"Came to check on you two." Your older brothers' deep voice rang throughout the shrine as everyone except for you two got shivers down their spine.. that was a gang leader... From the third strongest gang throughout Japan.. the guy with blue eyes and yellow hair was also shaking as his jaw dropped. 'T-that's him . . .' he is in complete and utter shock. " Darii!!! These are my friends! They were apart of the little babies that used to come to the Cafe three years ago! "

" Is that so.. " he says, staring the two
down as they look at eachother.

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