𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰.𝘳| 0.4

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IN WHICH a black girl is fighting for her life quite literally in the past and future.
All while dealing with gang members fall in love with her and her brothers having
to get them to act right around her.


❛❛ Sorry to ruin ya lil' cat fight! ❜❜

❛❛ It's okay! Just let yourself in and stay quiet next time, okay? ❜❜─SHE SAYS in a sweet tone. 'What an airhead, how cute. ' he thought; puffing out the smoke from his cigarette. "You're all just middle school pissants." He tries to insult. " Correction; I'm not in middle school. I'm a highschooler and ion like the way you addressing my friends. " You say, your accent changes and you had more sass in your movements. " Hah, how cute. Is that you trying to put your foot down sweetheart? " He mocks you. " Nigga ion know what the f--- you think this s--- is. But you better watch yo' d--- mouth when addressing my friends. " You say in seriousness, quite shocking coming from anyone, especially you, if everyone could their jaws would be dropped down below.

" Oh, you're serious? " He continues to mock. " Y'know, that tone was kinda disrespectful, I didn't like it. I'll make sure to beat your face in before I take you in babe." He flirts and you make a 'stank face.' " So, you're Osanai! The disgusting filth who beat up my bud and his girl! " Pah roars. (🦁 Meow meow.) " Pipe it down, D--k cheese. Wasn't addressing ya' I was talking to the pretty lady over here. " He continues to wink as you stink your tongue out in disgust.

" Oooh, boss has a crush!"

YOU LISTEN AS his minions try to taunt and irritate you which made you make an 'are you mentally ill or sum? ' face with your brows furrowed. And the rest of his little followers started taunting Pah. "It's really disrespectful how you all can sit there and laugh along with him now but then when he'll really need you guys, you'll be Haulassing your way out of there. " You say with a hand on your hip as Osanai rolls his eyes. "Try me and I will rip your eyeballs out and you won't have anything to roll." You threaten in your 'black momma' voice. "Awh, feisty..I think I like you. But now you're really gonna get it okay?" He says, again, mocking and trying you. "You bastard!" Shouts Pah. "Hey. D--k cheese, I'm two years older than you. It's Mr. Bastard to you! Brats. " He scoffs , trying to show off to his followers, you couldn't even call them his friends.

Upon irritation, Pah started swinging at air, all you knew is that he was trying to hit Osanai but those punches became airborne and never came down. (🤡) He cocks his hand back and punches Pah square in his face. "Yeah, thanks for proving that you're all nothing better than some middle school pissants. " He says with a cocky look. " Oh wait... Don't you babies go by the ' Tokyo manji gang ' let's change it. How about ─Middle school baby alliance! With one ----- on the side! " He says referencing you which made your blood boil. 'I know he ain't talking to me. ' you thought. ' Huh! He must really wanna lose his life. ' you thought sucking your teeth and licking them as you looked around. "Anyway, I heard you guys were gonna try to pick a fight with us." He snapped as the rest of his crew swarm the warehouse. "So we decided to bring the fight to you!"

Your adrenaline starts rushing as everyone else was pumped up. " Mikey, this is war baby! " He shouted as his voice echoed through the warehouse.


"Ouh!!!" The loud noise you made echoed throughout the warehouse.. Osanai said he'd beat Mikey in 10 seconds while Mikey had him clocked out of commission in 1. You cover your mouth and look down at Takemichi then burst out laughing as all everyone could see were your shoulders moving up and down. Your babies for sure got grown because you ain't knew your lil baby Mickey mouse could do that (💀) "Anyone of you a--holes who thought Pah lost, get your a--es out of here, And everyone who taunted my friend constantly, find yourself out before I find it for you!" he roars, he was quoting the same words you would say to troubling customers which made you smile. (1)

You, still having your mouth covered take one look at Osanai. "Naw he done- pft!" (🤡) You couldn't stop laughing at the whole situation. At least it was over.. you thought. While calming down at first, Osanai, not wanting to accept that he lost had grabbed a broken bottle and you take off your jacket and rest Takemichi's head on it one you fold it up into a pillow and then you get up. "H--- no." You whisper under your breath and watch Osanai run up behind Mikey as you also run towards him and once your behind him and Osanai had the bottle raised you get your fist ready.


"Ow! Jeez.." you say, your voice softer than before.. the danger is gone now.. "(Name)!" Draken says after he put Osanai in a hold, you had punched the glass away from your friend but luckily you hit Osanai too, so his DNA was on where you punched except the glass found its way to hit your head and your hand. "You idiot, why would you do that?!" He scolds you in genuine concern. "I'm─supposed to.. protect you guys.. I couldn't let that stinky man hurt my Mikey mouse! Ah~ ow ow!" You shake your bloody hand and bite your finger from your other hand. "It hurts so much.." you let out soft pants. As Draken lectures Osanai who was probably going to pass out because of you hitting him but you try not to look at your hand, all you knew was that it was bleeding worse than you normally do every month. (🤓)

"Crap, it's the cops!" "Think they came to congratulate us on our win?" Peh says, trying to lighten up the mood you sighed. ' lord this was a lot. ' you thought. "Hey Moebius! Don't try to leave by yourselves, help Osanai escape!" Draken yells as Osanai's fake friends come back to get him. " KNEW THEY'D TRY THAT! " You quipped, trying to take your mind off of your bloody hand and Draken scoffs playfully." Guess you did, huh? " He says. Smiling at being praised you didn't realize that your head was bleeding and that was all good until.. "(Name)! Your blee-" "Draken don't! -" Takemichi tries to stop him from telling you but you felt blood on your quivering lip as you lick it and then see blood going dowm your nose..


"Oh sh--! (Name)'s out!"

The last thing you hear is the voice of Draken.


The last thing you feel was a hug and a kiss planted on your right cheek.

. . .

(1) : He says it because it was one of the favorite things that you say, which also boosts his love for you even more. He also said it to catch your attention. Though let's see what happens after the argument.

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