𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰.𝘳| 0.3

286 9 1

" Waahh~! This is so boring.. "

SAYS THE BEAUTIFUL girl as she lets out a puff of exhausted air. 'CHA-CHING!' (💀) Your attention is turned to the door and you see the same guy from the meeting and your eyes narrow a little as your brows lift in confusion and you purse your lips as he slowly makes his way towards you. "Uhm.. hey uh-" "(Name), what about you?" You say with a small smile. "Right─! I'm..my name is- Takemichi Hanagaki.. very nice to meet you." He says with a sweat while looking away. ' God she's gorgeous. ' he thought with a quick blush. 'wait no! Stay focused.. ' he then sees you again and you were just smiling at him. "What may I get you?" 'OH MY- OKAY.. WAIT... I CAN'T LOOK AT HER-' He says and your were confused (🤡). "Takemeitchy.. are you doing fine?" He tries to hold in his laugh. "It's Takemichi!... But other than that *deep breath* I need you to come with me, if you want to see the rest of your friends, look see I'm from the future, I know it's hard to believe but your brother is a gang leader and so are the rest of your friends that you call your uhm.. babies, well they're grown up now okay? So.. you can't excuse anything else they did that I'm about to tell you that happens in the future."


You are left bewildered (😱) you then stare at him in shock. "Uh huh- and I need your help to prevent any of this I know it's a lot in one day but─" he noticed your lower lip quivering. ".. WAHHHHH!! " You burst out into a fit of tears. " AHHHH!!! ~ YOU SAID THAT- *sniff sniff* MY BROTHER IS ─ WAHHHHH!!! " "PLEASE STOP CRYING! " He tries to shut you up but you get louder. " Why is my baby sister crying.?" Takemichi is shaking as he turns around "EHEHEHE- DARIEN! UHM WELL.. YOU SEE!!"


"Hm, I see.. so is that is (N/n)?" Your brother asked you as he was comforting you. You nod. "Awhh~ well it's nothing to cry over baby sis, I'll buy you a new one so you don't have to make any effort in trying to win one from scratch, alright?" He says patting your head and you nod, sniffling a little more. "Alright then, want me to drop you two off?" Your brother asked Takemichi and he nodded. "Uh.. yes please," he says and your brother walks you to his car and opens the door. "Ladies first." You roll your eyes with irritation and Takemichi sits, waiting in front of the door. "What, ya want me to open it for you too?" "No, of course-!"

"H--- no. Do it yourself. " Your brother insisted and goes to the driver's side. Takemichi feels foolish.

And now my heart can't take no more I keep on running back to you 🙈)


"Alright, I'll be back to pick you up by dinner, love ya!" He says as he pats your head and your gave him a quick squeeze before following Takemeitchy in the warehouse. "Hey, what the h--- are you two doing here, it's a private meeting!" You see Draken look at you two with a mixture of confusion and irritation. (More directed towards Takemichi than you 🌚)

"My big brother dropped me off! Takemeitchy said I could come with him!" You chirped happily. "IT'S TAKEMICHI!" He screeched and you nodded. "That's what I'm saying dude!" You insisted. " Anyways.. ─Mikey. We need you to call of the fight with Moebius. " Takemichi felt more confident in his tone since you were backing him up. " Mhm mhm! " You say (doing that little 'boom boom' thing Tanjirou does.) "─It'd be terrible for Toman and could possibly be terrible for everyone! We need to call it off! " Says Hanagaki and you agreed to particularly nothing to you." Just get the h--- out of here!" You see someone with a scarn on his mouth, he looks oddly familiar to one of the kids who visited your shop which made you lift a brow towards him in confusion. " What." Mikey's voice comes off as deep and rough adn you see he had low, dark eyes as he looks at you two with his head cocked to the side as he had his arms resting on his legs. " Uhm- I think you're on your own on whatever you were talking about -" you say in a shy tone immediately behind Takemichi.

" HAH?! WHAT!- (NAME) PLEASE DON'T DO ME LIKE THAT!" He says looking at the shy girl who had a tight grip on the back of his uniform. " I CAN'T! He's too scary and mean looking! " You say tucking your head into the back of his uniform in fear. You take a peak to still see Mikey looking at you like that and you squeak and hide your face again. Takemichi tries to imagine that you were still backing him up as he continues talking. "Look─ I can't tell you how.. but I know there's someone pulling the strings behind this whole thing! I mean──"

" EEP! " You squeak as the guy with a scar on his mouth had grabbed your friend and slammed him on the ground. You were so embarrassed and fighting the urge to turn around and act like you ain't seen nothing. "You two must think your hot sh-- huh? Telling our commander what he should do!" The guy yells in your face which made you flinch back as your pupils get noticably larger. With tears in her eyes she lets out a screech. "Stop yelling at me!" She pushed the boy lightly but to him it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him as he got blown back and his taller friend had caught him. "- Sorry! I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to!" She was quick to apologize in fear. " Pah, that was well deserved. You could see you were scaring her. " Mikey's quick to get on your side as Draken looks at Pah is surprise.

" Wait, did you say.. Pah?! Then that must be Peh! " You chirped. "Hii~! It's me from three years ago─ the Cafe.. y'know? " The two look at eachother then you but before anything can get worse than it already seems. "YOU TELL US WE CAN'T FIGHT 'IM, BUT DON'T EXPLAIN WHY?!" Pah began to beat on your newly made friend while Peh held you back. "Takemichi!!" You cry out in a strained voice. " Tell me this, Who the h--- beat the sh-- out of my friend and his girl huh?!" Pah says while still beating the crap out of him. He paused upon hearing Mikey speak. "Takemitchy, you and (Name) have made your points... But what you two don't understand is that.. " he gives a serious look if that was even possible as Peh could feel you shake under his hold. "─Once I've made up my mind. It has already been decided, Toman is going to fight Moebius."

When Takemichi objects and Pah is about to go in on him again, Draken interjects. " Takemitchy already said he's not backing down about it.. there's no point, Pah. " Draken says, holding him back. ".. Kenny. Are you going against Toman? " Mikey asked. " What?! No─" " ─Well. That's what it sounded like to me. " He says, aggressiveness adorned in his tone. You felt Peh let you go and Pah back up off Takemichi in surprise. " Oh God.." you whisper..




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