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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃Recommended font : Georgia15 ♥︎'sHappy Christmas

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15 ♥︎'s
Happy Christmas.. 🎄!

You rest your head
onto his back as the revving
of his engine rings in your ears,
wrapping your arms around his torso.

"So (Name), what else happened..?" Mikey asks as you open your eyes and began to tell him everything and what you got into on, from Kisaki betraying Chifuyu and the others and the whole truce thing.

"Mm, thanks for saying and you said they were at the church yes?" "Mhm!" You hug him tighter and rest your head on his back.

"I thank you, Shinichiro and Baji for leading me here..." He hummed with a calm smile as he looked back at you slightly.

Once you arrived, Draken alongside you both pulls up and sees the two hundred men; Mikey pats your head and goes inside while sneaking pass and Draken tells you to sit where you were and watch him deal with the men instead of getting hands dirty since he was sure your brothers would be worried.

You watch with surprise but your plump— plush lips curl up into a smile—a warm expression of admiration taking place as you began to cheer on Draken as he was clearing the men, fists hooking left and right.

"Woohoo! Good Job Draken! Really really good!" Once he finished you walk up to him and wipe the blood off his face, he chuckled as you expressed how worried you were about him and told him to take better care of his face.

"Yeah yeah! I hear ya'! No need to worry about though alright? I can handle myself. I'm a big boy now." He says fondly then goes up the steps into the church with you following.

"Hm? What the hell's wrong with all your faces?" Draken looked at Mitsuya and the others then turns to Mikey. "You want a report?" Mikey hummed. "All those black dragon dudes are out cold, so it's safe to say Taiju Shiba has lost the fight lost all of his men and apparently lost his will to fight." He says, which shock Takemichi and Chifuyu as they run outside to see you standing there and looking at the distressed Taiju.

"Oh well, that's sad... here do you want one?" You offered him a piece of your hot honey chicken, it was still hot from you keeping it warm. He just looks up at you with an angry but shocked look and you stuff the chicken in his mouth and pat his head. "Don't be sad—!" "(N/n) get your hand off him, we don't touch people like him." Chifuyu says calmly while moving your hand.

"Okay well Taiju don't be looking at me like that fix your face, just cus you lost don't mean it wa any fault all I did was call them so.."

You shrugged as Takemichi's came up surprisingly. "Wait you were the one who called them?" "Yup! At least— partially, I felt worried for you guys and Fuyu wasn't answering so when I found out what Kisaki did by Mitsuya texting men about it I called Mikey and he luckily was already heading there so I volunteered to go to se wig you guys were alright." You explained while using wet wipes to wipe blood off of Chifuyu who acted like a child when their mother would rub coco butter over their face.

You then reach and start wiping Mitsuya's face as he wraps his arms around your lower torso, smiling softly as you wipe his face and expressed how worried you were for them all.

You then see a pretty girl come out following behind Mitsuya, "oh hi! You're very cute! Oh wait! You're Hakkai's sister yes? Nice to meet you! Here, let me wipe your face.. it seems you're more fragile so maybe you could come over and I can make you some hot chocolate and put some ice on those bruises, or not! It doesn't matter as long as you're well and taken care of, use these cold wet wipes for now m'kay? Speaking of.. where is Hakkai?"

Ha Kai was blushing and hiding behind Draken who turned behind him and you then go to Hakkai and start treating him, the closest he's ever gotten with a girl that wasn't his sister or his friends' girlfriend.

"You know I'm also very worried about you! You've got to take care of yourself or else my baby bro won't have no one to play with! You understand?" You asked with a hug and he smiled nervously as he froze up, you we're very pretty to him and he didn't know what to say.

"I- uhm.. you're very.. pretty." "Aww! Well thank you how sweet of you Hakkai!" You squeaked with excitement as you hugged him, you liked getting compliments. "You are very sweet! Such a sweet baby!" You pull at his cheeks. Until Mikey pulls you off. "Hey, now see I'm hurt too!" He pouts which surprises everyone else, their strong captain jealous and eager for attention.

"Awh! Now you know I could never forget about you! Such a cwutie I can't believe that he would even put his hands on you!" "I know right, he gave me boo boos all over!" He hums softly and put his cheek into your hand as you gushed at his cuteness even more.

"It has not been a good day for black dragon." Mikey says looking at the damage Draken caused.

(The reason he says this later than the anime is because he was focused on getting to be touched and talked to by you instead)

You sit and sip hot cocoa as you watch the interaction or—silence between Hina and Takemichi. "What did you bring me here for Mikey?!" Takemichi looks back and Mikey who turns his head fast at the same time. "Uhhh.."

He's forced to look back and he stuttered while trying to talk to Hinata. "Another fight, huh?" Hina asked. "I wonder why (Name) didn't just fix it up for you this time?" "CAUSE I WANT YOU TO DO THAT FOR YOU MAN, HES YO HUSBAND GIRL!" You say in the background with a smile.

This makes Hina blush and look away with a small smile.

The time passes.. the interaction between the two not being that special and only awkward, until he eventually becomes undone and starts crying and apologizing. "Oop, whew chile.." you say in English.

You four watch from a distance and he starts crying. "Awww that's so cute!" You wipe your tears. Mikey then took Takemichi to go ride their bikes and you and Hina and Emma chant and cheer together.

Draken smiles at the trio.

You had finished getting ready for the new years festival. You had shown up with your older brother, his fiancé and their baby daughter.. her name was Aria and she looked so adorable!

You held her the whole time and took care of her while your brother and his soon-to-be wife had spent time together, it was almost time for the official new year and you would all jump together, your brother and his wife had eventually gotten back on time so you didn't have to jump with a baby in your arms.



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