O.W.L.s & N.E.W.T.s

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Carry on from Raven's POINT OF VIEW.
3 months after the brith of Scorpius Draco Hyperion Malfoy and the wedding's of Ginevra Malfoy/Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson/Quinn Notts
Astoria GreenGrass/Harry potter
Bella Malfoy/Luna lovegood
Lauren Notts/Seamus Finnigan
Jackie Parkinson/Theo Notts
Anna Poci/Ernie Macmillan. I didn't feel like doing ever wedding so Pansy/Bella/Lauren had a joined wedding a month after little Malfoy was born as did Anna an Astoria long with Blaise the next month.

I was wake up to Draco holding our new born son while a golden snitch flying around them has he changed scorpius diaper.

"Dragon am I see things or are you trying to get our son into that dangerous game of Quidditch" I smiled at my husband chuckle at my question.

"It's not that dangerous m'love" he replies softly as scorpius giggling at he's face making.

"not dangerous I watched my bestie friend nearly die because of that "don't so dangerous" game and you my sweetie idiot ferret fall off your doom of a broom so I don't want scorpius on any broom so please don't let Blaise, Harry or anyone take him on one" I said ask I got out of bed an went for a shower.

After I got out of the shower I looked at myself think something off.

"How about a new hairstyle?"

I Heard twilight say and thought it was a good time for a change then got dressed and followed the sound of my little boys giggles

I Heard twilight say and thought it was a good time for a change then got dressed and followed the sound of my little boys giggles

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