Year after the war Miss Granger found her parents and restored their memory of her but to only find out she was not their daughter in the first place, so she packed up her stuff to go find her true family.
Carry on from Raven's POINT OF VIEW. ————————— 3 months after the brith of Scorpius Draco Hyperion Malfoy and the wedding's of Ginevra Malfoy/Blaise Zabini Pansy Parkinson/Quinn Notts Astoria GreenGrass/Harry potter Bella Malfoy/Luna lovegood Lauren Notts/Seamus Finnigan Jackie Parkinson/Theo Notts Anna Poci/Ernie Macmillan. I didn't feel like doing ever wedding so Pansy/Bella/Lauren had a joined wedding a month after little Malfoy was born as did Anna an Astoria long with Blaise the next month.
I was wake up to Draco holding our new born son while a golden snitch flying around them has he changed scorpius diaper.
"Dragon am I see things or are you trying to get our son into that dangerous game of Quidditch" I smiled at my husband chuckle at my question.
"It's not that dangerous m'love" he replies softly as scorpius giggling at he's face making.
"not dangerous I watched my bestie friend nearly die because of that "don't so dangerous" game and you my sweetie idiot ferret fall off your doom of a broom so I don't want scorpius on any broom so please don't let Blaise, Harry or anyone take him on one" I said ask I got out of bed an went for a shower.
After I got out of the shower I looked at myself think something off.
"How about a new hairstyle?"
I Heardtwilight say and thought it was a good time for a change then got dressed and followed the sound of my little boys giggles
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