Pregnancy classes

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Blaise and I was down in the Common room waiting for all the girls to wake up so we can go to our class together since it's pregnancy and yeah all the guys have to go too so we'll know what the signs are an how to Deal with the girls hormones and cravings.

"I DONT WANT TO GO GINEVRA NOW LET GO" speaking of hormones I hear my SWEET wife growling as she was pulled down the stairs by my crazy sister and the other walking behind so she couldn't run back to our room.

"too bad your going so move it" ginny said when they finally got down the stairs.

"YOUR FORGETTING I'M THE ALPHA HERE SO YOU'LL GET THE HELL OFF ME" she screamed when they was in my eye view.

"Blaise go with the other so I can talk to reven alone" I whispered calmly has I noticed her eyes was glowing.

"sure but be careful she hasn't gotten a hold on her wolf yet" he said then picked up ginny an softly pushed the others out until it was just me and my crazy hormonal pregnant wife who is now softly crying on the floor.

"love what's wrong" I asked her calmly as I Crouched down to her eye level.

"I don't what to go" she whispered playing with her hands.

"does this have anything to do with you been pregnant again" I said grabbing her hands softly as I try to get her to look at me.

"I can't be mom Draco, I couldn't keep the first babies safe how can I do it now" she cried harder then before.

"Raven we've been though this already it wasn't your fault and he's gone no one will come near you without coming though me, Blaise...Actually scratch Blaise or ginny you'll be fine" I said has I held her in my arms until she jumped up softly so I quickly picked her up an walked to our class.


everyone was in classroom waiting for the Professor and Draco to came in with Raven. just in time Draco walked in with Ray in his arms but when I looked closely I noticed she was a sleep.

"you know she's asleep right" I asked has he took the sit next to me.

"yeah mother said she was the same when she was pregnant with me an Ginny something about the wolf getting tired easily so it's fine I'll just take notes for her" he replied has the professor walked in then started the lesson.

After 20 minutes learning about all the woman's cramps and mood swings but with ravens mood swings we was all ready for it.

The lesson went quickly since I may have fallen asleep after hearing that the girls can not fly when pregnant.

"mate wake up" I hear Draco say coursing me to open eyes.

"what's up" I asked when I looked his way.

"your mate going crazy because she just been told by Professor snap an potter..he got cut off when raven slapped him around the head.

"I mean...Harry telling her not fly in the games this year" he said has he rubbed his head and glared at my dear sister.

"Blaise go talk to ginny because well I can't since I'm tried and she can a bit Violent when it comes to her flying" she said then pushed me off my sit an towards ginny. 


I watch my brother trying to clam down ginny but she just hex him after slapping him.

"Draco do something about your sister" I moaned after getting fed up watching Blaise crying in pain then him ran outside the classroom. "why me" he asked looking at me confused.

"because I'm pregnant and don't need this type of shit" I whispered has I narrowed my eyes at him.

"fine" he muttered when he put me down an walked over to her and whispered something in her ear coursing her eyes Widen then run after Blaise to take the hex off I guess.

"happy now" he says as he walked back over to me.

"I would be happier if we go for food" I said has I flopped of my sit which made him chuckle whiles put his arm around me.

as we walked to great hall only to see ginny hugging my brother as she Apologises which made me giggle since I rarely see her like this.

all of us sit around the Slytherin table chatting away until Draco spoke up.

"so what does everybody think about today's class" just as he pulled me towards him and eats away.

"well I don't think I have to worry about flying since I hate it" I replied with a frown a little bit since everyone else loves it so much making me feel left out.

"true but you are the smartest one here so it doesn't matter" my brother and husband says with a smile cross their faces.

"oh shut it" I said slyly has I cross my arms and look down making everybody laugh has we left the hall an went back to our rooms to chat has we watched the fire until we all fell asleep.

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