Year after the war Miss Granger found her parents and restored their memory of her but to only find out she was not their daughter in the first place, so she packed up her stuff to go find her true family.
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It's be a year since the war. I've been working on getting my parents memory back, luckily I was able to do so but they did the unforgivable to me by kicking me out and stayed in Australia.
When I started to pack up my thing's I noticed a small green shoe box with Zabini written on top of it 'what on earth...why does my parents have something to do with the Zabini's' I thought as I picked it up and took it downstairs to living room.
I was about to open the box when Ginny walked out of the fireplace with the Malfoy's.
"Ginny? what's going on? why you with them of all people?" I asked completely confused on why the Malfoy's was in my house.
"oh well....promise me you won't freak out" she said worriedly as she walked up to me with worry in her eyes.
"Ginny your like my sister whatever it is I promise I'll be calm" I replied smiling at her as I held her hand.
"I'm adopted, I was never a Weasley....I'maMalfoy" she said really fast at the end but I still understand every word she said softly.
"Ginny I'm happy for you, you found your real family" I said calmly but was worried about the box I had just placed on the coffee table.
"I'm happy your here ginny because I found this upstairs in my room when I was packing and it's something to do with the Zabini's" I said pointing to the box, she smiled and jumped into my arm softly hugging me.
"Hermione your the best friend ever and go on then open it" she said smirking coursing me to giggle an I nodded then opening the box to see a letter and light blue ring I took the letter out and read it.