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A/n: hii! this was requested by: Sunset_Ester69
TW: Abuse, Panic Attacks(?), Implied Self Harm, Mentioned Self Harm, Prison, Running Away, Swearing, Implied SA/R4P3, Tomboo :]
Song Suggestion: Lovely - Billie Eilish & Khalid
Info: Prince Tommy, is the victim of a mentally abusive 'mother' and 'father'. Except, now that his 'mother' has passed his 'father' began to get even more mentally abusive, except now it's also physical and possibly $3xü@1. Even the smallest things would set him off. The last beating resulted in knocking him unconscious. Well, what happens when he wakes up half naked, and certain scars no one should see, are seen by the unknown person who undressed him? The next few days pass, and Prince Technoblade had arrived for a visit and finds all of this out, maybe even more then what Tommy himself knows. Prince Technoblade helps Tommy escape, and he finds himself at his boyfriend, Prince Ranboo's castle first, to inform him. Prince Technoblade's family, (Wilbur, Technoblade, and Philza) decide to adopt Tommy and throw his 'father' into prison for life.
Starting POV: Tommy

I look down at the grade on my desk, holding back tears. "I-is.. Is King Max at the castle this week?" I asked, looking over to the concerned guard whom was behind me to my right. He sighed, "Yes. Yes he is, Tommy." The guard, Damien responded. "Right.. Thank you." I muttered, dismissing him and watching as he walks away, a guilty and angered look on Damien's face. I look around, seeing no one, and sob.

I feel my breathing speed up, to the point where it's nearly impossible to breathe. I look around and try to do the method Damien had taught me last week. Speaking of, Prince Technoblade should be arriving in a few days. I look around for 5 things I can see. I take notice of the carpet, my desk, my chair, the floor, and the wall. My breathing begins to slow, but I continue.


I sit there at my desk, looking over everything I did wrong during the test. 'Damn it.. Father is going to be so pissed. He already warned me what would happen if I don't get at least a 7. Go figure, I got a bloody 6. A 6?!' I thought, panic coursing through my veins as I hear my bedroom door slam open.

I turn my head, only to be knocked off of my chair from a kick. I yelp in pain as my back hits the floor. "Thomas! What did I tell you?! You couldn't even manage to get a 7!" My 'father' reprimanded. "I-I'm sorry!" I bellowed, sitting up straight. This went on for a while, the punching, kicking, downgrading, pulling hair. But, everything slowly went black as I saw my 'father' kick me in the face. While everything was black, I could feel someone, or something picking me up and laying me on my bed roughly, but I fell unconscious.


Tommy slowly flutters his eyes open, blinking quickly as to unblur his surroundings. He looks around for a second, and notices that the clock states 6:07 P.M. "Great, now I have to go see 'father' at dinner." Tommy mutters, getting out of bed only to fall. 'What the fuck. Why the hell did I fall?-' He thought, looking down. 'What. Why am I half naked?' Tommy thought, panic and confusion battling in his head. "Whatev- shit." He started, realizing that whoever undressed him has seen his Self Harm scars, and his gallery of cuts and bruises from his 'father', as he likes to call it.

After Tommy gets dressed and covers the facial bruises and cuts, he heads downstairs and into the dining hall. "Thomas, sit. I believe we should talk." King Max said, a guilty look on his face. From behind him, you can see Damien subtly pointing a sword to King Max's back, a grim and protective look plastered onto his face. Seeing that, made Tommy smile lightly, but panic once he realizes it's likely his 'father' who undressed him, but why? He thought. Tommy was soon pulled out of his thoughts as he heard King Max clear his throat. He sighed, and limped over to the table and sat Infront of his 'father'. "Yes, King Max?" Tommy questioned, earning a sad stare from the king. "I saw your arms and thighs." His 'father' responded, earning a pissed off look from Damien, who clearly realized that he couldn't of seen it unless he undressed him. "And how is that my fault? You're the one who took my clothing off while I was unconscious." Tommy glared, still curious as to why his 'father' undressed him. "Prince Thomas! That is no way to speak to King Max!" A maid snapped at Tommy. "Hah! And that's no way to speak to your SuPeRiOrS, now is it?" Damien shot back.

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